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BMEWS BI Demo for the Anglo-Swiss Consulting Company - Clients 
Anglo-Swiss Clients

You will be able to click on the Client name to drill-down to details of the Client.

The Data Model on the left shows the logic behind the maintenance of a 'Single View of the Client'.
The ID for each Client in each Office is matched to a unique Common Master ID for the Client.
The Client Master Index is used to provide cross-reference from Source Systems data to the Master record.

This page shows Clients for each Office with a common ID for each Client, as well as the original ID for each Office.

The Anglo-Swiss Consulting Company
Client Name Master ID London ID Zurich ID Bosnia ID
Central Bank of Bosnia 123456 ---- ---- CBBH01
EMEA Accountants 234567 EA001 ---- aBB443
Global MegaBank 345678 GM003 MbXYZ Gxyz123
Swiss Nutrients 456789 SN001 Nutrx C8901
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