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Data Model for a POC for Cloud-based Retail Services   
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These are the Specifications for the Proof-of-Concept for our planned Cloud-based retail Sales Service.
The Concept that we are aiming to prove is that a combination of an Industry-specific Industry-Specific
Data Platform and a Canonical Data Platform can provide the foundation for a broad family of Cloud-based Services.

1) Logistics, Payment, Retail Sales.

Situation on January 15th. Here are the first of our planned Services 1) Retail Sales, 2) Logistics, 3) PaymentS.

Step 2 Build Build User Services + my Canonical Data Model

Build our Canonical Data Model
Phase 2) Informatica's Clair (Top right)

These are the Specifications for the Proof-of-Concept for our planned Cloud-based retail Sales Service.
The Concept that we are aiming to prove is that a combination of an Industry-specific
Data Platform and a Canonical Data Model can provide a very powerful foundation for a
broad family of Cloud-based Services.
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