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Data Model for the Allocation of People   
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The Area being Modelled is :-
the Allocation of People

Detailed Requirement :-
Subject: Guidance

Question: I would like some step by step help in putting together a data base,
what i would like it to do is I have a number of tables, on 1 is people, competencies,
work priorities (locations).
So for example how much is required to do for each month (tons to be moved) from a
number of different areas and also associated costs so based on time and motion studies
you can figure out how long it will take to get the jobs within the month / week time
frame and allocates the equipment to do that.

What I am trying to do now is have it so it will pick from a list of competent people,
assign them to a piece of equipment, once they have been allocated their names cannot
be allocated again until lunch time when it has to then move people onto different
machines keeping the priority equipment going (shuffling) and if it cannot work then
it highlights the fact that you may not have enough competent people, or whatever the
reason for failing then I can justify things like more training, more people required
and so on.

It will basically run things to perfection and organise the day/s What happens at
lunch time is something like this...
Fred, Mary, Joe are on priority equipment,
Frank Ben and Blu are on non essential equipment, so you bring in Frank Ben and Blu
for lunch, they then go out and swap out Fred, Mary and Joe, once Fred, Mary and Joe
have lunch they then go onto the non-essential equipment and this can be done on many
bits of equipment but not if you do not have the competent people.

If possible it could also allocate cars to take people to equipment and then assign
them to cars for lunches,

it will basically run the show.

Am I asking too much or is this possible, should I be looking at using another program?

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