Data Architecture and Model for BAM (Business Activity Monitoring) and Event-Driven Architecture
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BAM Data Architecture

Data Architecture
The BAM Approach builds on our original Event-oriented Canonical Data Model
ERD Data Model

ERD Data Model
Click here to download a paper on BAM for Telecomms from Systar, whose
Telecomms customers include Alcatel-Lucent, Deutsche Telekom, France Telecom
and Saudi Telecom.
A powerful application of BAM is to establish a tailored and efficient approach to
loading data into a Data Warehouse.

A common techique of Using a 'Snapshot' technique can result in the wasteful and
expensive loading of duplicate data.

This can be replaced by a tailored BAM approach that will load only the data specific
to a particular Event.
For example, an Event for a Telecomms 'New Subscription' could trigger the load of
only the relevant Subscription data.
When we start to design the ERD Model, the starting point is our Models that are on
this Database Answers Web Site:-
  • BAM
  • Data Sources
  • Events (Complex)
  • KPIs and SOPS
  • Publish and Subscribe (and Event Alerts)
  • Publish and Subscribe with KPIs

  • © Database Answers Ltd. 2014