Database Answers Man on the Beach checking Cell/Mobile
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Data Model for BMEWS BI on the Beach 
Steps in the BI on the Beach Approach :-
Step 1. Draft the "Statement of Business Objectives" or Mission Statement
Step 2. Define the KPIs from Step 1.
Step 3. Find or create some Sales Receipts
Step 4. Create Generic Data Models for ODS, Data Mart and the BI Layer.
Step 5. Define draft data and develop Generic Proof-of-Concept, using Microstrategy Personal Cloud and Azure SQL Server.

Step 6. Use 'wrappers' around Generic POC to develop Proof-of-Concept for TK Maxx (Retail) - add KPIs and MDM.
Step 7. Ditto to develop Proof-of-Concept for Philips Customer Life Style (Retail).
Step 8. Ditto to develop Proof-of-Concept for Maersk - (Transport).
Layers in the Data Architecture :-
  • BI Layer on the Beach - Microstrategy Personal Cloud
  • Data Mart - Azure SQL Server in the Clouds
  • Data Integration, etc. - Azure SQL Server/Informatica with Microstrategy
  • ODS - Azure SQL Server in the Clouds
    Useful Web Links :-
  • Microstrategy Personal Cloud
  • Azure SQL Server in the Clouds
  • Oracle in the Clouds
    Contacts :-
  • Devin, Pragmatic Logic
  • ICS Azure and Sharepoint Consulting - Luke Smith
  • Danny Tambs
    Proof-of-Concept Demos -
  • Insurance - Amount paid for Claims as percentage of Policies Revenue
  • Security of Data Warehouse Security - Failed Login Attempts

    Database Answers Ltd.
    London, England
    January 23rd. 2013

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