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Specifications for Charities and Collection Tins :-
Consider a database system for a charity organization which collects monetary donation using collection tins.
The data requirements are summarized as follows:
The people involved in the collection are members of the public who will be given one or more tins by volunteer staff.
Each tin is identified by a unique ID.
Each person is also identified by a unique personal ID.
The following data are also recorded for each person: first name, last name, other names along with their date and place of birth.
Full address including post code, email as well as mobile and home numbers will also be kept.
The database will also be required to keep personal details of staff members who can be fund raisers themselves.
Once a fund raiser is given a tin or tins, the date of collection must be recorded against their name along with the details of the
recording staff.
The tin can be kept by the fund raiser until is it full of coins/notes or until such a date that the fund raiser decides to return it.
Upon the tin�s return, volunteer staff will update the tin details as returned and further record the date of return and who received it.
Once the contents of the tin are counted, the amount is recorded. Counting may or may not happen at the time of the tin�s return.
In cases where tins are not returned for extended length of time, volunteer staff can contact the respective fundraisers and the correspondence
is recorded in the system.
Further to this all communications between fundraiser and volunteers in regards to the tin charity should be recorded in the database.
Expenses incurred by volunteer staff in purchasing tins or any other administration expenses (stationary etc.) must also be recorded along with
date and the name of the person who made the expenses.
1. Design an Entity Relationship (ER) model for the charity database,
All entity types, their attributes and relationships must be clearly shown.
You will also be required to show all cardinality and participation constraints.
2. Map the ER model devised in (1) above into a set of relations in the relational data model.
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