Database Answers Ashton Community Centre, UK (Click for Web Site)

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Data Model for Community Centre Reservations 
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Community Centre Reservations

Hi there,

I work part time for a small charity in the UK that runs a community centre, and I
have been trying to find a way to computerise our booking system.

We are all volunteers and every database booking solution out there has either not
quite been what we need, or is a subscription service we cannot afford.

I figured I�d try and come up with something In access for everybody to use, but it�s
been a long time since I�ve done any database design and I�m struggling to wrap my
head around how I�m going to achieve certain things.

 I came across your site purely by accident but its great for getting ideas for structure.

Our Situation:
          Community Centre with 6 hireable rooms
          Bookings can be for multiple rooms at multiple times
          Bookings can recur on a weekly monthly basis (with optional gaps)
          Bookings can also be on an irregular schedule (random days)

I�ve been trying to wrap my head around a way of getting this working - and I just can�t get it.

I�m resigning myself to the fact that any booking for any day that is different will be treated as a separate booking.

Any advice, sample code, tutorials etc. would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance


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