Database Answers A Carnival Cruise Ship (Click for Web Site)
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Data Model for Cruise Ships   

This is the first of our Invisible Models that are based on things that we see around us every day without giving them much thought.
We demonstrate how to develop a 3NF Data Model and Data Marts from this simple start, using our Best Practice Event-driven Approach.
An Access Database is available on demand.
The Specifications for the Data Model were obtained by thinking about Cruises and Cruise Ships.

We have also designed a Data Mart, following our 'Best Pratice' Event-driven approach.
The Data Mart is very useful for providng data for Reports and Business Intelligence.

We would be glad to have your comments.

If you are new to Data Models, this page of my new Tutorial will help you understand the Data Model.

This Model show only Entity names which makes it easy to read.

When we think about Cruise Ships, we think firstly about Cruises, Ships, Passengers, Places where the cruises go to, and then we think about the Staff, booking Tickets and so on.

So we end up with this draft list that provides our starting-point for designing the Data Model ...

Data Model for Cruise Ships
Then we think about how these various things are related, and how they might look on a 3NF Normalised Data Model.
For example, Passengers book Tickets to go on Cruises. Ship are used to run Cruises and visit a number of Ports from a Master List.
A Cruise will have a Schedule for visiting ports.
Every Passenger must be allocated to a Room (or Cabin) and some may share a Room.
More details are provided on the The Specifications page.

ERD Data Model for Cruise Ships

Barry Williams
Principal Consultant
Database Answers Ltd.
London, England
October 21st. 2012

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