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Data Model for Customer Data Analytics 
You might also be interested in this Data Model for CRM Customer Metrics.

The material for these Customer Data Analytics Data Models was derived from a review of our many Models relating to Customer Data.

If you are new to Data Models, this page of my new Tutorial will help you understand the Data Model.

Below we show separate Data Models from a topmost BI Layer down to a Point of Sale data ...
1. Topmost BI Layer with KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)
2. Dimensional Model (Data Mart)
3. Data Warehouse
4. Point of Sale

1) This is the topmost BI Layer ...

BI Layer

2) And this is the Dimensional Model, (Data Mart) ...

Dimensional Model (Data Mart)

3) This is the Data Warehouse ...

Data Warehouse

4) And this is the Data Model for a Sales Receipt ...

Data Model for Sales Receipt

Barry Williams
Principal Consultant
Database Answers Ltd.
London, England
June 9th. 2013

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