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Subject: I'm running a PC Repair business and I need a customer/job database

Question: Hiya, I have been running my mobile PC repair business for nearly two and a half years and
have been keeping customer records in Excel,
it's clunky, but I can produce invoices as I need them.
It's really a job database with customers appearing several times if I have had repeat business.
There is no easy way to tie all the jobs for a single customer together, which makes my work harder and
the service the customer receives isn't as good as it could be either.

I would like to be able to do a quick check when a customer calls and know their details and the work I
have . for them in the past.

I have about 1,000 records that I would like to import from Excel.

Ideally as I am mobile, I would like to have a web interface, so if necessary I can login and obtain
this information while I'm out and about (I have a hosting account that has all the necessary SQL abilities).

I don't mind paying a reasonable amount for a good solution and I can see that you have a huge quantity of sample databases that might fit the bill,
but I wouldn't know whether I had chosen the best one from your list.

It has to be easy to use, with a simple interface, so that rather than manually writing a customer job sheet then having to input it into Excel,

I am more inclined to type their details straight into the database.

I guess my questions are therefore:
1. Do you have something on the shelf that would fit?
2. If not is there a way to get you to create something for a reasonable price?

Thanks in advance


B. Barry says the Things of Interest are :- 1. Customers 2. Invoices 3. Jobs 4. Others to be determined C. The Business Rules are as follows :- 1. To be determined.

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