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Subject: Mussie's Data Model for Employees and Jobs
Hi Barry,
I fully booked for the next 10 days, but we can share them via email. Here is the job/ employment details
Website links
�Register Company
�Register Jobs
�Register Job Seekers
�Job Search
�Employee Search
�Wokesalone Resources
�About Us
�Terms & Conditions
What you can do with us?
�Post a job, select candidates, receive calls, interview
�Create profile/CV, search jobs, contact and interview
�Premium Plans � Bulk hiring
�Jobs Advertising
Wokesalone is an innovative social enterprise that uses web and mobile technology to connect
informal sector workers with employers with the goal of creating a scalable solution to combat unemployment.
This easy-to-use web and SMS formatted service will empower workers with choices in employment by increasing
their connectivity to the local job market, while also improving employers� access to a talented and eager
labor pool for both short and long-term work.
Register (for employers) page
1.Employer is then prompted to register company details via control button.
Register company details
�Company Profile
�Company Name (mandatory)
�Company Id (primary key and reference number) (system generated)
�Address Street (mandatory)
�House Number (mandatory)
�Post Code
�Province (Eastern, Northern, Southern, Western) (mandatory)
�District (mandatory)
�city/rural/village (mandatory)
�Email (mandatory)
�Tele Number (mandatory)
�Fax Number
�Mobile Number (mandatory)
�Company Website URL
�Company Facebook Account
�Company Twitter Account
�Share my mobile/email with employers and job seekers (y/n)
2.Validate and then display control button - by clicking here, I agree to Wokesalone Ltd
3.Employer is then prompted via control button to set up security details as follows.
4.Register company�s security details � (employer is prompted to set up a unique username, password and
security question)
employer Login
�user name (e.g., email) (mandatory)
�password (mandatory)
5.Display a pop-up form (or control button) to link to a page to prompt user to input the company�s
available jobs (one-to-many relationship):
6.Register company�s jobs
�employer Jobs
�job Title (mandatory) - select from drop down list (can add new if not available)
�job Description (mandatory)
�salary (mandatory)
�province (Eastern, Northern, Southern, Western) (mandatory)
�city/rural/village (mandatory)
�experience (in years)
3. Register (for job seekers) page
Job seeker is prompted to register their details.
Register job seeker details
Seeker Profile
�First Name
�Sur Name
�Date of birth
�Mobile Number 1
�Mobile Number 2
�facebook account
�twitter account
�Share my mobile/email with employers and job seekers (y/n)
�province (Eastern, Northern, Southern, Western)
More details below...
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