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Data Model for Entity-Attribute Values   
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This Wikipedia entry on the Entity Attribute Value Model makes an excellent introduction to the subject.

And here is a relevant LinkedIn discussion that presents the pros and cons of Key-Value Pairs that started on April 12th. 2013, and is well worth a look.
And a worthwhile contribution from Tom Kyte who is a highly-respected Oracle expert.

Here is an extract from a worthwhile document that you can download from the SQL Topia Web Site.
Opinions About Standard EAV Data Model

  • The main characteristic of EAV schemas is that they have a �store everything, query nothing� property.
    You can store whatever you like, because it's so generic.
    Because it's so generic, you can't query it, because nothing really ever means something. Roland Bouman 2009

  • EAV structures are like drugs; in small quantities and used in the proper circumstances,
    they can be beneficial.
    However, too much will kill you. Thomas (Seven24) 2009

  • OTLT and EAV are �generic� approaches that are seductive to programmers, but are actually a
    bad idea for most databases.
    Resist the temptation! Tony Andrews 2004

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