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Global Consulting Infrastructure Data Model 

Background :.-
This section describes an Information Infrastructure for a Global Consulting Organization.
The Infrastructure is defined by Data Models and Templates. System Development follows the principles of Extreme Programming.

  • User Scenarios define the available Facilities and how they are used. These Scenarios are an important part of the specifications, and have been defined for :-
    1. Communities and Users.
    2. Consultants.
    Another equally important part is the set of Data Models which have been drafted for :-
  • Best Practice
  • Consultants and Clients
  • Information Catalogue
  • Key Performance Indicators,(KPIs)
  • Questions and Answers
  • Users and Communities
  • Users and Subscriptions

    Template Pages have been created for :-
  • Best Practice
  • Careers-type Tables
  • Data Models
  • Feedback Form
  • Reference Data Tables :-
    1. Reference Data Tables (showing Languages as an example).
    2. Reference Data - ISO Country Codes
    3. Reference Data - ISO SOC - Standard Occupation Codes

    and an Access Database has been created in a Zip file.
  • Here are notes on Design Principles, and the Development Methodology that we have established.

    Barry Williams
    23rd. February 2003
    Principal Consultant
    Database Answers

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