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Data Model for Visits to Homeowners Associations 
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The Specifications were provided in a question to Database Answers.

A. The requirement is to design a Database for Homeowners Associations.
Entities are shown in bold.
Here is the original Question :-
Good morning.

I was delighted to find your site this morning. It's a wealth of information.

I am a volunteer member of our neighborhood's Homeowner's Association and I'd like to create a
database to manage several aspects of Association -- starting with Invoicing and Tracking Payments.

I do this all manually today and it takes a lot of time. It seems an ideal application for a "simple" database.

I've reviewed several of the schemas related to invoicing but none seem to fit my needs and, because I'm a beginner,
I'm not sure how I should structure the database.

Out of all the schemas listed on your site, I'm absolutely sure one or more of them could be adapted to my needs but
I'm hoping you've run across Neighborhood Associations before and might direct me to focus my attention on specific
items on your site.

Goals of the system - Current
Generate invoices to members.

  • Invoices may contain multiple items including:
  • annual dues for each lot owned. Some people own more than one lot / home.
  • If Dues are treated as "products", I'm wondering if I should create a new record for each lot and each year. E.g. record 1 = Lot 12, Fiscal Year 2013, record 2 - Lot 12, Fiscal year 2014, etc.
  • Unpaid balances from previous invoices
  • special assessments
  • penalties
  • replacement gate openers
  • Other special fees.
  • Automatically generate annual invoices for all lots. This is important. I worry about forgetting to invoice a member by accident. Track payments.
  • Members don't always pay their dues in full so payments need to be applied to the unpaid balance.
  • Maintain records of all payments and how they were applied. Send Invoices via Member's .
  • Most members of the HOA will accept emails but some insist on being invoiced by the US Postal Service. Reprint or resend invoices. Goals of the System - Future
  • Calculate the amount of interest due on unpaid balances.
  • Generate Statements (and send via preferred method)
  • Notify members of Association Meetings in accordance with advance notice requirements. (no less than 30 days before meeting) I'd appreciate any help -- even pointing me in the right direction. Thanks. Scott North Carolina, USA

  • Barry Williams
    August 10th. 2013
    Principal Consultant
    Database Answers


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