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Data Model for Inventory Reconciliation 
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Subject: Inventory Reconciliation

Specifications for the Business Data Model

Here is a very useful diagram showing reconciliation of Inventory and General Ledger

(Click to go to the Presentation)
The purpose of these Specification is to establish agreement bewteen the business Users and the Project Management.
    The Rules are as follows :- requests, here are the business requirements for my database that I need: �A small manufacturer creates a number of products (multiple SKUs). �Each of these products are sold in a variety of retail outlets. �Each retail outlet has a display for our products. �Each product goes into a display. �Some retailers also offer "storage space" in their warehouse, for inventory that cannot fit on the display. �A merchandiser (employed by manufacturer) goes to retailers and does an inventory count (of everything in that store). �If the display stand has been depleted and there is inventory in storage, he replenishes the display stand from the storage inventory. �Inventory in both display & storage levels need to be monitored separately. �If the inventory has hit pre-defined reorder levels, he submits a re-order. �The company processes the order and dispatches it for delivery. �Upon delivery, the display is restocked (by the merchandiser) and excess inventory put in storage The dates for each time an inventory check is done (i.e. a "reconciliation") should also be stored. Thanks in advance. Marc

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