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Data Model for Local Government Top-Level 
An Access Database is available on demand. This Model is based on our Canonical Data Model.

There might also be a design for a Data Mart which is an excellent start for Enquiries and producing Reports.

We are planning a Proof-of-Concept with Oracle Apex in the Clouds.

If you are new to Data Models, this page of my new Tutorial will help you understand the Data Model.

Here is a link to an interesting article about Camden Council's Digital Strategy published on Feb 13th. 2014.

Data Model for Local Government Top-Level We have created Subject Area Models for :-
  • Load Electoral Register Data into the Customer Hub
  • Phase 0 Load ER into Data Mart
  • Phase 1 Hub
  • Phase 2 Hub
  • Residents and Services
  • The Electoral Register

    Barry Williams
    Principal Consultant
    Database Answers Ltd.
    London, England
    February 16th. 2013

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