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Data Model for Passengers on a Cruise 
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A. The requirement is to design a Database for Passengers on a Cruise

Subject: Semantic Object Modelling

Question: I have to construct a Entity Model Diagram & Semantic Object Model for the following problem:
1.A large ocean liner offers passengers on a cruise:
accommodation in different categories of staterooms (or cabins)

and provides various amenities during their stay.

Passengers do not pay for their food, but there is a surcharge for each meal when they dine at the prestigious Top Deck restaurant.

Attached to each room-category is a certain charge for the entire cruise and a
certain gratuity rate per day of the cruise .

Activities or Amenities include most drinks, phone calls, internet, beauty therapy,
a variety of bars, health spa, chiropractic treatment and others.

Each different amenity has a code, a description and a charge attached; and
an attendant who administers or manages the amenity (treatment).
Attendants are paid a basic salary and then commission according to their activity participation or per treatment.

You must keep sufficient information in your database to enable an invoice to be
created to charge the passengers for their cruise, including all amenities.

You may assume a guest only occupies one room during their stay.

Barry Williams
February 21st. 2011
Principal Consultant
Database Answers


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