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Data Model for Retail Bank Accounts for Husbands and Wives 
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The Specification is from the DB Forums Web Site
A. The requirement is to design a Database for Retail Bank Accounts for Husbands and Wives.
Here is the original Specifications :-
Suppose you are designing a database for a bank.
There are entities Account, Branch, Account_Owner, etc.

Account_Owner is a person.

There are different types of accounts, and Account represents all possible types of accounts,
such as checking, saving, loans, etc.

Accounts can be owned by a person or by a married couple.

If a person owns Account, the spouse may be assigned as a second owner later.
Accounts can be open in a Branch, and this Branch is associated with this Account for the life
of the Account.

What are the connectivites between Account and Account_Owner as well as between Account and Branch? Why?

Barry Williams
July 29th. 2013
Principal Consultant
Database Answers


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