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Data Model for Ships Stores Logistics 
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A. The requirement is to design a Database to keep track of Ships Stores Logistics.

The task is to design a database that describes a Ships Stores Logistics Management system.
The main entities that should be contained in your database are the following:
Inventory , Stores, Demand of Stores, Departments, Users .

Also secondary entitities like Demand Types , Statuses etc. will be included.

The Ship has a central Inventory of stores acquired from a main list of Stores.

The Inventory maintains also the quantity of each store in units of a Measurement Unit attribute of the Store in the List of Stores.

Each Department forwards Demands to the Central store issued by a user of the Department and authorized by the Department officer.

Each Department has one Officer.

The Demands may be of the following types :
Normal , Urgent , Dormant

Also every demand has a status :
Pending , Cancelled , Completed.

A. The Things of Interest are :-
   A.1 Demand Messages
   A.2 Demand Status
   A.3 Demand Types
   A.4 Departments
   A.5 Inventories
   A.6 Officers
   A.7 Products
   A.8 Ships
   A.9 Stores
   A.10 Unit of Measurement

B. How are they related ?
   B.1 A Deparment can make zero, one or many Demands.
   B.2 A Demand can consist of one or many Products.
   B.3 Others to be determined

Barry Williams
April 30th. 2010
Principal Consultant
Database Answers


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