A. The requirement is to design a Database to keep track of Stiudent Applications
Email on February 2nd. 2011
Question: system is to manage student applications to a university.
Stakeholders involved -
1.System Administrator :-
Sets dates beyond which,system stops accepting applications and beyond which no changes
can be made by applicant to application.
Displays applicants for the programs updates and inputs programs prompts system to
compute weighted scores for each applicant.
2.Faculty Administrators :-
Generate list of applicants for each program responds to queries from applicants
Sees all complaints submitted to faculty(those responded to and those not).
3.Applicants :-
Able to see all programs available and number of candidates who applied for a program.
Creates an account, inputs and edits basic personal data.
Selects 5 programs of preference and makes changes to choice of programs.
Thanks in advance
A. The Things of Interest are :-
A.1 Applications
A.2 Students
A.3 Others, to be determined
B. How are they related ?
B.1 A Stiudent can make SAp;lications to one or many Univeraities.
B.2 A University can receive Applications from many Sudents.
B.3 Others to be determined.
Barry Williams
February 2nd. 2011
Principal Consultant
Database Answers