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Data Model for Student Marking 
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The only software the high school uses is MS Access I am not sure if I can build
a working model just from your E-R diagram although so long as I don't mess up
the many to 1, 1 to many bits, maybe... but  any help appreciated.

I have in mind to automate marking to a great degree perhaps from a tablet or
laptop  and I would like the student to be able to access a summary profile which
summarises their current achievement and steps to make next level of progress
working from a database table of Key stage 3 and 4 level descriptors.

In my classes I use a powerpoint so that they can see peers who have already achieved
good results and ask them to mentor them and will occasionally set aside a lesson to be
a peer master class so they can pick up new skills and techniques.

At the moment to inform these sessions and to track progress I have linked to the
powerpoint from spread sheet marking tables but I would really like to move over to
a database instead.

Partly because the school wants me to leave my current system behind when I leave but
also because I am pretty sure I could have a more efficient.

John Dodds Teacher/Tutor

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