Database Answers Robert Blake played a Traffic Cop in Electra Glide in Blue, 1973 (a great movie!!!)
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  Welcome to the Law Enforcement Data Models Page
This Page is designed to help you if you want a series of Data Models in a Law Enforcement Theme.
It is included in our MDM Tutorial on Law Enforcement.
  These Data Models cover different aspects of Law Enforcement and can be combined in Master Data Management

A set of Law Enforcement Data Models.
1 Anti-Money Laundering Things of Interest include People, Organisations and Financial Transactions.
2 Bureau of Justice Statistics Things of Interest include Crimes and Statistics.
3 Case Management Includes Addresses, Cases, Organisations, People and Trials.
4 Fingerprint Recognition Includes Addresses...
5 Forensic Science Labs Includes Addresses...
6 Global Crime Includes Crimes, Locations ...
7 Global Justice (USA) Intended for Information Exchange between American State Courts ...
8 Judges and Courts Includes Buildings, Courts, Judges, Locations and Staff.
9 Justice Department Includes Correspondence, Departments, Employees and Organisations.
10 Lawyers Cases and Bills Includes Cases, Diary, Lawyers and Roles.
10 Legal Practice Management Includes Cases, Clients, Events, Payments etc.
11 Libraries for Lawyers Includes Articles, Books, Contributors, References and Topics.
12 Police Departments Includes Addresses, etc..
13 Police Generalized Data Model Includes Addresses, etc..
14 Police Information Reports Includes Addresses, etc..
15 Prisons and Prisoners Includes Associates, Offences, Prisons, Prisoners, Staff and Visits.
16 Tracking Evidence Includes Cases, Chain of Custody, Departments, Evidence, Officers and People.
17 Traffic Cops and Tickets Includes Officers, Payment Methods, Vehicles and Violations.
18 Data Warehouse Based on Traffic Cops and Tickets.

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