Database Answers Tracking Telephone Calls (Click for Mongoose Metrics Web Site)

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Data Model for Tracking Telephone calls 
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Note that in our descrfiption that follows, we have marked the Entities in bold to make it easier to identify the 'Things of Interest'.
Subject: Tracking Telephone Calls

I want your help on this
I Was wondering  what is the best practice for organize things concerning the following objects

I have people (surname firstname ,etc) ,
I have assets that people may use ( cars etc),
I have tell numbers that belongs to people,
I have events take place (geographical coordinates) ,
I have companies (maybe some people belongs to companies) ,
I have conversations between people (using telephone numbers) ,
I have documents ( in many documents there exists reference to some people or events),
I have a database with several photos

So I want to built a system finding all those relations and also find answers to question
either beginning from a single surname and then the system must presents to me all the issues
belonging to this surname
and be able automatically open the related document or do a question like google search and see all the results .

What about using mongo Db?


Andreas L

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