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This is an extract from the Wikipedia entry for Multistate Anti-Terrorism Information Exchange(Matrix).
It includes this description of the proposed Function of Matrix :-
The Matrix website stated that the data would include criminal histories, driver's license data, vehicle registration records, and
public data record entries.
Other data was thought to include credit histories, driver's license photographs, marriage and divorce records, social security numbers,
dates of birth, and the names and addresses of family members, neighbors and business associates.
All of this information is available to the government without the need for a warrant.
The ACLU pointed out that the type of data that the Matrix compiles could be expanded to include information in commercial databases
encompasses such as purchasing habits, magazine subscriptions, income and job histories.
would combine these government records and information from commercial databases in a data warehouse.
Dossiers would be reviewed by specialized software to identify anomalies using 'mathematical analysis.'
When anomalies are spotted, they would be scrutinized by personnel who would search for evidence of terrorism or other crimes.[6]
Like the TIA, Matrix would use data mining where searches for patterns in this data (including the 'anomalies') would be used to
identify individuals possibly involved in terrorist or other criminal activity.
Congressional critic Paula B. Dockery pointed out that like the TIA, this kind of 'data mining' may be ineffective, and have severe
downsides, including its privacy costs.
Data from Matrix would be transferred through the Regional Information Sharing Systems network, an existing secure law enforcement
network used to transmit sensitive information among law enforcement agencies.
The network was linked to High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas, United States Attorneys' Offices, other federal agencies and
several state law enforcement systems.[7]
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