Database Answers Turtle Conservancy (Click for Web Site)
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Data Model for Turtle Conservancy   

An Access Database is available.

We might also design a Data Mart which is very useful for providing data for Reports and Business Intelligence.

We would be glad to have your comments.

If you are new to Data Models, this page of my new Tutorial will help you understand the Data Model.

The Turtle Conservancy organises a number of different kinds of Events :-
1) The Turtle Ball in New York City.
2) Conserve species in their natural habitat, including land acquisition.
3) Maintain captive breeding programs to help restore natural populations.
4) Monitor and help to prevent trade that threatens species..
5) Outreach and spreading global awareness.

Comments in LinkedIn
When I posted a question on LinkedIn to ask for comments on whether my approach reflected Best Practice in Data Modelling, I received a comment from Jeff Albro at Boston University (Thanks, Jeff) recommending I check out this article from Ralph Kimball on 'Declaring the Grain'
I have the highest regard for Ralph Kimball (like all of us, I am sure) so I was interested to read his article.
After I read it, I realise that I always start with a Dimensional Model or Data Mart with Facts at different levels to reflect different levels of summarisation - ie different levels of granularity.

Subsequently I can create separate Data Marts, each with its own granularity.
Here is an example showing Federated Data Marts
As a result, I decided, in this instance, to call my Facts 'Factoids' !!! I would welome any comments at

Step 1 - Start with our Canonical Data Model

Canonical Data Model

Step 2 - Modify it for Turtle Conservancy to create a Conceptual Data Model. Conceptual Data Model
Step 3 - Create a Logical Data Model
to generate a physical Database.

Logical Data Model
Step 4 - Finally, create a Dimensional Model
to generate Reports.

Dimensional Data Model

Step 5 - First we set up the KPIs ...
For example, a 20% increase in Sales...

Cellphone ECG Monitor
Step 6 - When a "spike" is recognised ...

Cellphone ECG Monitor
Step 7  - An Alert is triggered ...

Phone Alarm
Step 8 - And a message is sent to
the CEO's Smartphone

BI on a Golf Course for an Airport-in-a-Box

Barry Williams
Principal Consultant
Database Answers Ltd.
London, England
July 1st. 2017

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