Tutorial on Database Schema - Slide 10 - Overview

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  1. Buying from Amazon.com and Starbucks
    • Order
    • Pay
    • Take Delivery
Amazon and Starbucks Customers

  • Here we are, back where we started.
  • We are looking at an overview Schema, which shows only the names of the Tables and the relationships.
  • It's very useful when you want to discuss the Schema with the users, developers or managers.
  • It shows that Products have Suppliers, and can be ordered by Customers and delivered to Addresses.

  • In this Tutorial, we have looked at the design of a typical Database Schema.
  • I hope that next time you look at a Schema you should be comfortable understanding it and using it.

  • I hope I have been able to explain some of the theory behind this Database Schema.
  • In particular, I hope that you will be more comfortable the next time you see one.

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