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Underwater in Fiji

Over the last 12 months, I have personally answered 500 questions.
From these 500 questions, only 10 people took the time to acknowledge that they received my answer.
Accordingly, I am cutting down the time I spend on these answers.
I currently have a backlog of 50 questions, and it will take me quite a while to clear them.
  • However, I am currently redesigning this Site, and I need some comments on the current design.
    Therefore, I will answer your question promptly if you send me an email first, answering these questions :-
    (1) Is the Site good to look at ?
    (2) Is it easy to navigate ?
    (3) What's the best thing about it ?
    (4) What's the worst thing about it ?
    (5) Is there anything I should add to it ?

    If you do not answer my questions first, you are very unlikely to get an answer to your question.

    Confidentiality will be strictly observed and you can be sure that
    we won't use your email address for any other purpose whatsoever.

    Check if you have answered my 5 questions - and if not, please do so before you go any further.

    1. What is the Subject of the Question ?

    2. Please give us some more details

    Turtle in his (or her !!!) natural Habitat 3. What is your Email address ?

    4. Which State or Country are you Living In ?
    5. How Did you hear of this Site ?

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