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FACTS for Airline Booking - Version 2

Sunset at Dulles Airport, Washington

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Conceptual Data Model.

These FACTS define the functional requirements which the Database must meet.
They form the basis for agreement between the User and the Database Designer and are
written in a form of structured English which is clear and unambiguous.
The Draft FACTS have been defined and are detailed here ...

A. The Area being Modelled is :-
  • An Airline Booking System. B. The THINGS OF INTEREST include :- B.1 Aircraft B.2 Destination Airports B.3 Flights B.4 Itineraries B.5 Origin Airports B.6 Passengers B.7 Passenger Bookings B.8 Seats B.9 Tickets B.10 Ticket Types B.11 Travel Class C. These THINGS OF INTEREST are Related as follows :- C.1 A PASSENGER can make one or many BOOKINGS. C.2 A BOOKING can be for one or many PASSENGERS. C.3 A BOOKING is always in a STATE,(e.g. Provisional, Confirmed or Cancelled). C.4 A GROUP_BOOKING can be for one or many PASSENGERS. C.5 A BOOKING can be for only one ITINERARY. C.6 A PASSENGER makes zero or many PAYMENTS for BOOKINGS. C.7 Each PAYMENT can be for one or many BOOKINGS. C.8 A BOOKING can be paid for by one or many PAYMENTS. C.9 An ITINERARY consists of one or many LEGS. C.0 A LEG is one aircraft taking off once and landing once at different given airports at a given date and time with a particular flight number. Barry Williams Principal Consultant Database Answers 5th. November 2001

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