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Back to the Data Model.

This page defines the Business Rules that the Data Model must comply with to support an operational Database.
Our Design Approach is to create a Template for each Super-Type or Generic 'Thing of Interest', and to use the Template for each Sub-Type.
A. What is the Requirement ?
The Requirement is to design a Database to support a family of generically similar Systems :-
  1. BMEWS - Business Monitoring and Early Warning Systems.
  2. An ICT Toolkit for Development Applications.
  3. An Integrated Compliance Framework.
B. What are the Things of Interest ? B.1 Individuals, such as
  1. Staff
  2. Users
  3. Volunteers
B.2 Organizations, such as
  1. Counterparties
  2. Customers
  3. Employers
  4. Suppliers
  5. Third Parties
B.3 Performance measures, such as :-
  1. KPIs
  2. Risk Factors
B.4 Projects, such as :- To be determined B.5 Roles, such as :-
  1. Manager
  2. Team member
C. How are they Related ? C.1 A User can be responsible for zero, one or many KPIs. More to be determined D. What else do we know about them ? To be determined

Barry Williams
4th. January 2004
Principal Consultant
Database Answers


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