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Chess Tournaments
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The FACTS define the Business Rules ...

1. What are the 'Things of Interest' in the Scope to be modelled ...

  • Chess Clubs
  • Players
  • Members
  • Tournaments
  • Tournament Matches.

    2. How are these 'Things of Interest' related ? ...

  • CHESS CLUBS can have many MEMBERS.
  • A PLAYER can have one and only one RANKING.
  • CHESS CLUBS can host many TOURNAMENTS.
  • TOURNAMENTS can also be sponsored by organisations,(such as Newspapers or Federations),
    which are not CHESS CLUBS.
  • Many TOURNAMENTS occur every year.
  • PLAYERS can participate in zero or many TOURNAMENTS.
  • A PLAYER can be a MEMBER in only one CHESS CLUBS at any one time.
  • A TOURNAMENT can have many PLAYERS.
  • A TOURNAMENT can have zero or many MATCHES between two participating PLAYERS.

    3. What do we know about the 'Things of Interest' ? ...

  • A CHESS CLUB is identified by a unique ID, and has a Name, Address and Other Details.
  • A PLAYER is identified by a unique ID, and has a Name, Address and Other Details.
  • A TOURNAMENT is identified by a unique Code, and has a Name, Sponsor, Start Date and End Date.
  • A TOURNAMENT can have zero, one or many SPONSORS.
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