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User Requirements
The User has defined the Specifications in the following terms ...
I have been trying to make a Database for the important events in the
life of my cows (don't laugh) so for every cow i'll be able to find her history.
Typical Events include :-
illness (date's, treatments)
inseminations (bull , race)
calvings (calf, complications, treatments) etc;
From these Specifications, we can determine that the Things of Interest are :-
- Calving
- Cows and Calves
- Events
- Illnesses
- Livestock in general
How are these Things related ? :-
- A Cow will have one or many Events in its life.
- An Event might involve zero, one or many Individuals, for example, a Vet.
Barry Williams
Principal Consultant
Database Answers Ltd.
London, England
May 9th. 2009