Database Answers Ballet Dancers, Boise, Idaho.

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Dance School
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The Requirements have been defined as follows :-
A Database for a Dance School, covering Students, Teachers, Classes, Exams and Billing.

The current situation is characterised by a complete lack of Management Information. The people who run the school have no idea who is where, when, . what, in what, who owes what etc.... Here is a kind of detailed spec broken into sections. I've tried to think of everything but there's probably more - so here it is :- STUDENT Name Date of Birth Current Age (report only) Gender Mobile No. Email Address Address Home Phone Number Mothers Name Contact Number Skills Fathers Name Contact Number Skills Medical Conditions / Allergies Date Started Date Finished Emergency Contact Emergency Contact Number Emergency Contact Relationship Start Date/Restart Date Finish Date Option of pictures TEACHERS Name Address DOB Available Cover (multiple selection of classes) Contact Details Emergency Contact Teaching schedule (which class on which day) NB some teachers are also students (could possibly even be a parent) CLASSES Register Attendance Time Day Grade (some classes have multiple grades) Subject Fee EXAMINANTIONS Student Grade (mainly same grades as classes plus some extras) Subject Result Pass/Fail Fee Payment Date Payment type Auto Update every pass to next grade lesson on class register for same day BILLING Class Fees Student / Student Family expected fees for calendar month Date payment due (1st occurring lesson of calendar month) Actual payment Actual payment date Payment Type (cash/cheque option to include card payment at a future date) New starters pay weekly (maximum 6 weeks) to first date next calendar month. 6 weeks in case start in last 2 weeks of month. Pop up to state who not paid and how much they owe. Non-attendance & non-payment for 4 consecutive weeks - auto finish pupil - not including holidays. Option to restart. Option to manually wipe/adjust unpaid fees. Rehearsal Fees Student / Student Family Actual payment Actual payment date Payment Type (cash/cheque option to include card payment at a future date) Event Name Event Type - Show/Exam Grade - Show Grade/Examination grade SHOWS/PERFORMANCES Show/Performance Name Organisation Address Contact Person Contact Number Contact Email Dance Name Dance Type (same as class subject) Show Grade (different to class grade) Student Student Contact Number Accompanied By: (generally name of parent/guardian option to add other person name) Date of Performance Time of Performance Costume Description Costume Maker & contact details (generally parents & emergency contacts) Prop Description Prop Maker & contact details (generally parents & emergency contacts) Rehearsals/Mock Exams/Dress Rehearsal For which event - exam / show Location Student Grade Subject / Dance Name Date Time Type (as per title) Fee REPORTS & FORMS Class registers - view / amend electronically & printable Registration form filled electronically and printed off for parent/guardian signature & filing. Event Register - sign in and out form / list of students due to attend with space for payment received - view electronically / print off Fees owed / people in arrears - view electronically / print off Payments - lists fees due per student/family fees and can enter in payment made & method Fees Paid - available per class, grade, day, and any other you can think of - view electronically / print off. Forecast against actual - view electronically / print off Attendance per class - view electronically / print off Examination Results per Exam - Overall/Class/Grade/Pupil/Subject - view electronically / print off Students Examination Register (to print off and send to examination board to advise who is taking which exam - Name of student, age of student, Date of Birth (either report date or exam date), which subject and grade). List of Classes List of people in a particular show dance with contact numbers Data Protection button - askes if ?10 admin fee received, if yes allows selection of a person and prints off all info to do with that person.
A. What are the Things of Interest :- A.1 Billing A.2 Classes A.2 Exams A.3 Students A.4 Teachers C. How are these Things of Interest related ? C.1 A Student can take one or many Classes. C.2 A Class can have zero, one or many Students.

Barry Williams
10th. October 2004
Principal Consultant
Database Answers


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