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Doctors Practice
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The draft Specifications are available, and this Page defines the Business Rules for a Database for a Doctors Practice.
Additional User Requirements (added 7th. June 2003):-
The Staff for the Practice has includes :-
  • 6 doctors, 2 practice nurses, 1 midwife, 1 health-visitor and 2 district nurses.
  • There are around 12 000 patients currently on the practice records and they can make appointments with any of the surgery staff.
  • The surgery requires a database that will allow: maintenance of patient records including keeping records of all previous appointments;
  • Produce a list of appointments for each member of staff at the beginning of each surgery that they hold. The following criteria should also be taken into account:
  • Patients are identified by their NHS number
  • The general format for this number is 6 alphanumeric characters followed by a three-digit number although older patients numbers may not use all 6 characters in the first part of the number. For example an older patient may have a number such as MHHE 134, whilst a younger patient may have a number such as APD89E 250
  • It should be possible to see an historical list of each patient's appointments as part of their individual record.
  • Business Rules :- There are four Sections :
    1. Things of Interest
    2. How these Things are related
    3. Characteristics of these Things
    4. User Scenarios
    1. The Things of Interest include :-
      • Patients
      • Patient Records
      • Assistants
      • Doctors
      • Staff
      • Staff Roles
    2. How are these Things related :-
      • Any Doctor or Assistant can become a Registered User.
      • Registered Users can look at any part of any Patients Record.
      • A
      • Any Doctor or Assistant can become a Registered User.
      • Registered Users can update only the parts of a Patients Record that they have entered.
    3. Characteristics of these Things :-
      • A Patient has :-
      • First Name, Last Name, Address, Home Phone Number, Email Address, Height, Weight, Date of Birth.

      Barry Williams
      Principal Consultant
      Database Answers

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