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This is a Physical Data Model, and a Conceptual Data Model is also available.
This shows Version 2 of the Tables, and you can see :-
  • Version 1
  • and Centralised Publication.
  • Check available Documents in PHP/MySQL.
  • the Document Input Page for MySQL.
  • Tutorials Data Entry and Display,
    (hard-coded Options for DB2, Oracle and MySQL).

    Both Models are based on the same FACTS, which define the Business Rules that they must comply with.
    Here's an example for publishing a Tutorial in Database Design.
    Access to the Document depends on the User's rights and is defined at the Chapter level.

    Details are shown in this Personalisation Data Model.
    Here's a summary of the JRun set-up.

  • Physical Data Model for Document Publication

    Barry Williams
    Principal Consultant
    Database Answers

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