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  Enterprise Data Models
These Enterprise Data Models all follow a Design Pattern which has a Top-Level Model with separate Models for specific Subject Areas.
Click here for a Data Architecture showing how an Enterprise Data Model can be created from a Canonical Data Model and Subject Area Models.
We have three options when it comes to designing an Enterprise Data Model :-
1) Top-down - starting with a 'Mission Statement'
2) Bottom-up - starting with some original source documents, such as Bank Statements, Financial Reports, Invoices, Sales Receipts and so on
3) 'Middle-out' - starting with a Life Cycle analysis for Customers, Events or Products

Here's an interesting discussion on LinkedIn.


1 Air Travel
2 Banking
4 Canonical Data Model
5 Container Shipping
6 Customer-Services
7 Digital Innovation Inc
8 Education
9 Electrical Power Suppliers
10 Events and Exhibitions
11 Gym Management - this includes a Tutorial.
12 Insurance
13 Investment Banks
14 Local Government
15 Logistics
16 Oil Companies
17 Retail Sales
18 Schools
19 Usual Suspects
20 Waste Management
21 Wine
22 Zoos

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