Database Answers The 18th. Hole at Pebble Beach, California.

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Data Model for Golf Course Maintenance with Employee Tasks   
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A. The requirement is to design a Database for Golf Course Maintenance and analyse Employee Tasks

Subject: Help with Tables and Forms Question: I am trying to create a relatively simple database that will track how many hours golf course maintenance employees spend on a specific task. Each employee has a billing rate so for the task I would need a calculation (hours * rate) which will give me the cost per task. These are my tables: Employee Table with EmpID, EmpLastName, EmpFirstName, EmpRate Task Table with TaskID, TaskName and I am guessing the linking table is WorkDone which contains EmpID, TaskID, WorkDate, WorkHours, WorkCost. For data entry, This is how I envision it: I have a form with Employee Name (concatenate EmpFirstName and EmpLastName) as a drop down. When the employees name is selected, in a box called Rate, the Employee's Rate automatically populates. Then there is a dropdown box with the TaskName in it, a box for the date the work was done, and then a box to input how many hours was spent on a task. Then there would be a box that calculates the hours worked on that task by the employees rate. Then the user clicks an Update button or something like that to commit to another (?) table. This table I was thinking was called WorkDone which would hold the EmpID, TaskID, WorkDate, WorkHours and WorkCost (the calculation from Employees rate x Hours on that task). Do you have any ideas or tips?
Barry says :- A. The Things of Interest :- A.1 Fairways A.2 Golf Courses A.3 Greens A.4 Holes A.5 Maintenance Schedules A.6 Problems A.7 Repairs A.8 Rough A.9 Sprinklers B. How are they related ?

B.1 A Golf Course has many Holes. B.2 Each Hole can have zero, one or many stretches of Rough. B.3 Holes are sprinkled on a regular basis according to a Maintenance Schedule. B.4 Sprinklers can have zero, one or many Problems.

Barry Williams
April 8th 2011
Principal Consultant
Database Answers


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