Database Answers Ship's Stores

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Ship's Stores
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The Draft Business Rules have been defined and are listed below.
The Area being Modelled is :-
A Ship's Logistics Management Database.

A. This is a Statement of the User Specifications.
Subject: how do you make a ships logistics management database?

Question: the main entities in the database are inventory, stores, demand of stores, departments, users.
and the second entities are demand types, statuses.

the ship has a central inventory of stores acquired from a main list of stores.
the inventory also maintains the quantity of each stores in units of a measurement unit attribute of the store.

each department has one officer.

the demands may be one of the following types : normal, urgent, dormant.

also every demand has a status: pending, cancelled, completed.

B. The Things of Interest, ('THINGS'), include :-
B.1 Items
B.2 Officers
B.3 Stores
B.4 Users
B.5 Others to be determined.

C. These THINGS are Related as follows :-
C.1 To be determined.

D. Other Characteristics of these THINGS include :-
D.1 To be determined.

E. Sample Data includes :-
E.1 To be determined.

F. Typical Enquiries include :-
Barry Williams
December 1st. 2009
Principal Consultant
Database Answers
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