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Mobile Police Application
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A. The requirement is to design a Database for a Mobile Application for the Police in Rwanda.

Hello Barry,
I am a 2nd year Student in one of the Higher Institutions of Learning in Rwanda and my dream is to become a
database devoloper, Analyst, and an expert in the world of Technology.

Though I am new in this area and due to fact that we still in the devoloping world,
It becomes a challenge for anyone to meet their expectations.
It's in this regard that I would Wish to Express sincere thanks for your undying commitment to
help and Guide pple with the knowledge God gave you.

Futhermore I would kindly request you to Help me fullfil my dreams.
Thereby guiding me in the Below proposed projects of which i Believe will be of a great Challenge for both
My class, Institution,& country at Large.

Here are the senarios

1. Analysis and Design of a Mobile Application for The Rwanda National Police a case Study of the Anti-Terrorism Unit
Project Objectives
The main objectives of this project are as follows.
� To provide The Rwanda National Police with information in a timely and convenient means.
� To enhance communication between RNP Headquarter and its Departments.
� To reduce costs associated with communicating to different Departments
� To provide a model that can be adopted by other institutions such as Ministries, Provincial level etc

Primary deliverable(s)
A mobile application to be hosted within The National Police Head Quarters premises in Kacyiru and an interface
accessible in all Police Departments and via any mobile phone.

  • Microsoft Visio or UML (Analysis)
  • MySQL or SQL sever (Design/implementation of the database)
  • PHP 5 and HTML (development of the application logic and interface)
  • Symbian OS (development platform)
  • Nokia N series (testing platform) 2. Development of a Mobile Application for Students at the Kigali Institute of Science & Technology Project Description Kigali Institute of science & Technology is a Public institution located in Kigali Rwanda. It has approximately 3000 registered students and still growing exponentially. It offers a number of degree, diploma and certificate programs in Enginering and Science. Students usually attempt a number of assignments, tests and a final exam in each module KIST to get their exam results. If they want to know their mid semester performance in tests and assessments, they still have to follow up with their lecturers. Additionally, if there is an announcement to be made by the heads of departments or the Rector, a notice has to be put up on the notice boards for the students to read. What happens if a student does not come to the university due to illness or personal reasons? These problems, among many others have necessitated the need for this project. More than 90% of the student population at KIST has mobile phones. In this project, I will analyze, design and develop a mobile application that will be able to provide students with the information they need wherever and whenever they are via their mobile phones. Wow !!! The system will provide Students with their tests/assignments/exam results and announcements from the university. Wow again !!! Project Objectives The main objectives of this project are as follows. � To provide students with information in a timely and convenient means. � To enhance communication between RTUC and its students. � To reduce costs associated with communicating to students. � To provide a model that can be adopted by other institutions of higher learning to deploy similar systems. Primary deliverable(s) A mobile application to be hosted within RTUC premises in Kigali and an interface accessible via any mobile phone. Tools � Microsoft Visio (Analysis) � MySQL (Design/implementation of the database) � PHP 5 and HTML (development of the application logic and interface) � Symbian OS (development platform) � Nokia N series (testing platform) 3. Payroll Management System This project of payroll management system will focus on developing the software that could make financial records of employee�s salaries, wages, bonuses, net pay and other deductions. All employees must be registered to the human resource office and will receive a letter explaining how to be paid. The employer deducts taxes and national insurance from their employees�pay and then pay this sum over to the revenue and customs. This can be done monthly or quarterly (by arrangement with Revenue and Customs) and the various payment methods are explained in the letter. The payroll officer receive payroll details and print a payslip,execute financial transactions, print a receipt of financial transaction or review,up load the results of work quality audit. Through literature review and the use of Unified Modeling Language (UML) or MS Visio, VB.Net, SOL Server 2005. This software will help to enables us to input employee�s records to view and print pay lists and pay slip, also this system will compile and keep personal records relevant to payroll, record data for each employee. Chapter I: General introduction 1.1.Introduction to payroll Payroll includes all forms of compesation,such as salaries,sick leave pay,different contribution of taxes of pay. This work focus on answering different problems occuring in the process of payroll management system. This project of payroll management system will focus on developing the software that could make financial records of employee�s salaries, wages, bonuses, net pay and other deductions. The payroll officer receive payroll details, print a payslip,execute financial transactions, print a receipt of financial transaction or to review or to up load the results of work quality audit. Payslip can handle all your company, most demanding payroll requirements whether an employee�s salary is based on time-entrees, wage-rate , traveled and other things so payslip can show it all. Salaries can be issued semi-monthly or monthly. It also automatically calculates for night differential pay, overtime pay, SSF, health and contribution, with holding tax, loan payment and deductions. Through literature review and the use of VB, UML, SQL Server. This software will help to enables us to input employee�s records to view and print pay lists and pay slip, also this system will compile and keep personal records relevant to payroll, record data for each employer. 1.2.Problem statement In many campanies, the work of process payroll quickly and collectely is not easy because the system is not computerized. The existing system takes a long time and high cost due to the big number of employees, so the method used in all these operations is traditional, manual, very low and can cause errors. But in daily life of human being, he always requires doing his works faster in order to obtain his objectives at time. On the other hand, computer system can perform tasks faster and display results after a short time. From that, this project consists of designing a database system which can do all those operations quickly and make tasks to be performed with all needed facilities: correctness, speed, with fewer personnel and low cost. In general payroll exists any where in the world but most of them are build based on foreign country laws and their application of taxes. In our country, some of the companies purchase them at a high price and again more customizations are required depending on companies need. Furthermore the user should need to be trained on how to use accurately that payroll which is always a component of sophisticated software bought for complete management and human resource solution. Payroll is complex in nature due to involvement of taxation and various laws and by laws for keeping it accurate. Payroll done manually especially in our country requires large employment for maintaining it as well as time consuming leading to late payment and cause document to be lost. 1.3. Criticisms The actual system used in company to manage payroll is based on deduction ,allowances and classification and the data are recorded into a computer in traditional manner like it is done in classical register books. The calculation of gross salary is made by using external calculator machines for each employee and for each type of tax. This system of controlling payment takes a very long time and can cause many errors because as human being it is easy to make mistakes. 1.4.General objective This project consists of designing a system that can improve the payroll management system of employees quickly and correctly where the records are stored and then accessed easily by the user of the system. Employee�s attendance days are properly reviewed, approved, processed, documented and accurately coded for accounting and distribution. Computation for gross pay, deduction and net pay are accurate. The recording and summarized of payment made are accurate and agree with established account Classification; tax information derived from payroll activities is accurately and reported collect. � To prepare the detailed salary record of all the employees in our company � To generate pay-Slip through the calculation of salary. 1.5. Specific objectives The specific objectives of this project are as follows: � Developing a system that can register and store the details about employees � Developing a system that will help on calculating the employee salary,view the pay slip of a given employee,view the pay sheet and other tasks. � Developing a system that provides limitations among employees files accessibility. 1.6. Scope of the project As the title of this project indicates, it is delimited to database that can speed up the operations during the payroll requirement, whether an employee salary is based on time-entries,wage rate or travelled.Salary can be issued semi-monthly or monthly,it also automatically calculate for night differential pay(overtime pay),health and contribution of taxes,also the loan payment and deductions. The research will be conducted in Kabuye sugar works. There are many functions that carried out in management of employee such as: � Registration of a new employee and perform other related task � Store different records � Management of data recorded � Employee bank account management To implement all those functions is a very large project that cannot be carried out within the allotted time, reason why this project concerns only with registration, payment and management of employee records and thus net pay is determined by the gross pay,tax deduction. Net pay and all pay and all previous data are finally used to produce a part of pay slip. 1.7. Methodology The management of payroll system will be realised by using UML,VB and SQL Server database containing all tables to be employed in this application and the interface will be created by using an visual programming language which is used to join the database tables and enables insertion, update and generation of report about payroll management system. Barry says :- 1. Analysis and Design of a Mobile Application for The Rwanda National Police a case Study of the Anti-Terrorism Unit A. What are the Things of Interest ? A.1 Employees A.2 Payroll A.3 Others to be determined B. How are they related ? B.1 Every Employee is on the Payroll. B.2 Others to be determined 2. Development of a Mobile Application for Students at the Kigali Institute of Science & Technology A. What are the Things of Interest ? A.1 Employees A.2 Payroll A.3 Others to be determined B. How are they related ? B.1 Every Employee is on the Payroll. B.2 Others to be determined 3. Payroll Management System A. What are the Things of Interest ? A.1 Employees A.2 Payroll A.3 Others to be determined B. How are they related ? B.1 Every Employee is on the Payroll. B.2 Others to be determined
  • Barry Williams
    22nd. April 2009
    Principal Consultant
    Database Answers


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