DatabaseAnswers Online Diary View from Parco Paradiso Hotel showing Snow on the Mountains

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  My Diary for 2009
You can look back at my Diary for 2007 and 2008

I am thinking of providing a Salesforce demo, following the table on the left-hand side ...
  • Diary Display with Search, Diary Display with Search (for work), Diary Display (for work) with Salesforce Tasks, Diary Data Entry and Diary Search Results.

    This page shows the results of using my following the MyLifeBits Approach to document everything significant in my Daily Life, along with the associated Digital Assets.
    I used my cell/mobile phone, which is a standard off-the-shelf Internet-enabled Nokia, with Camera and Video.
    We used the camera to photo documents instead of using a scanner.
    The words in bold could be used to tag each Activity for search purposes or to build a dynamic Topic classification.

    Here's an example of Searching my Collection of Digital Assets stored in the Database.
    This page has evolved into a combination Blog, Contacts list, Diary, '2 Do List' Reminder and Work In Progress.
    Here's a diagram of the Database for the My Life Development Project.
  •   I began this Diary after a Trip with my wife to Lake Lugarno,Switzerland in April, 2007

     Activities and Links
    22nd. November 3.00 pm Marketing Sayings of Chairman Andrew :-
  • "The Challenge is to solve their Problem, not getting them to agree with me".
  • [RBW] says "Try a different Approach :-
    • 1. List your skills
    • 2. Determine how they can be packaged to solve different kinds of Problems.
    • eg Tutorials, a Book, Data Modelling, Advice on the State-of-the-Art".
    21st. September 11.30 pm BMW Service A woman called Beverly in the Sainsbury car park with a nice new BMW, recommended David Phelps in Windsor, phone 01753-865-425 for servicing. BMW Taplow quoted �800 for MOT fixes plus another �1,000 for misc work.
    We should also keep in mind the place called 4U Cars 101 Straight Road, Old Windsor Berks SL4 2SE England - where BMW,Old Windsor, used to be. Tel: 01753 867730 - MOT direct Line : 01753 620207.
    4U Group
    28th. August 9.30 pm Blogs I found my Blog by accident ;)
    Marie tells me that I am mentioned in Blogs by GeekGirl and Tom Marr, who speak well of DatabaseAnswers.
    Therefore they appear in my list of 'Good Blogs' to watch.
    Plus Johnny's Blog on Data Migration.
    I should email Tom Marr about working with CIBER in the UK.
    Barry's Blog
    GeekGirl's Blog
    Johnny's Blog
    Phil Greenspun's Blog
    Tom Marr's Blog
    15th. August 8.30 am Money In yesterday's UK Telegraph newspaper, an article about Dot.coms mentioned Brent Hoberman, and PROFounders, I will also contact somebody at Conchango in Egham and Simon Lewiston at SparegoNet (Simon.Lewiston at Spargonet - previous contact with Larry Hunter - XChanging) to talk about my Best Practice Road Map. Conchango
    PRO Founders
    14th. August 10.30 pm Finance / Partners I signed up as a Partner with -
    IBM - IBM ID = / pwd = m123
    Microsoft - / pwd = m3 (ID 2142316)
    Salesforce - / changed to new pwd = m456
    (signed up as for a free Developer account which lasts forever).
    I will check to see if Oracle still charges �1,200 for partners.
    IBM Login
    M'soft Partner Network
    M'soft Profile
    Salesforce Login
    13th. August 6.30 pm Norlia In yesterday's UK Telegraph newspaper, Thomas Bell had an article with a photograph of a winner of the Norlia look-alike competetion, who was from the Philippines. N's Look Alike
    9th. August 10.30 am Partners By Friday, August 14th. I will have submitted nmy Best Practice Road Map to Partners with Microsoft, Salesforce, IBM and Oracle. My IBM
    IBM or Microsoft Partners
    Oracle Partners
    9th. August 10.00 am MDM IBM Webinar with Aaron Zorne - check MDM Alerts MDM Alerts
    MDM Webinar
    9th. August 9.00 am Data Quality IBM Ab Initio. Ab Initio
    6th. August 5.30 pm Licence I sent off my Licence to be renewed. Licence (Front)
    Licence (Back)
    4th. August 10.00 am Cloud Computing A new approach to Cloud Computing is made possible by Netezza with their online cooperative Analytics Engine. Maybe I should partner with them for BI in the Clouds ? Netezza Analytics
    30th. July 7.00 pm Rules Engines Microsoft's approach to Rules Engines is worth a look. Rules Engine
    30th. July 6.30 pm Microsoft EDM Microsoft's Entity Data Model (EDM), the Entity Framework and Entity SQL are key components in their approach to extending generality in the trea of Data Modelling. Entity F'wk Data Modelling
    Entity F'wk Intro
    Entity SQL
    EDM Preview222
    EDM Overview
    30th. July 6.00 pm Microsoft UDM Data Integrity is a feature of Microsoft's Analytical Services. Their Unified Dimensional Model is Microsoft's approach to extending generality in the trea of Data Mart design. AS Data Integrity
    UDM Intro
    22nd. July 6.45 am Obama In Monday's Telegraph there was an articke entitled 'Learning to be like Obama.
    The theme of the article was 'Hw to develop Charisma' taking a course by Molly Watson who has a Web Site called mere Insight.
    Mere Insight
    22nd. July 7.00 am Food Poisoning I had an attack of Fiod Poisioning on Monday night and was vomiting from midnight to 1.oo am.
    It wasn't as bad as the previous bout a few months ago but it certainly was a horrible experience.
    I was sick outside on the path and then washed it way using the bucket.
    The best thing was that this morning, two days later my weight has dropped to 89.6 kg !!!
    20th. July 9.00 am Digital Britain Maybe I should find out how to volunteer with Dimple and Toby's Tutorials as an example. Digital Britain
    Martha Lane Fox
    19th. July 9.30 pm Wales Beauty Spots N likes the look of Nantcol Waterfalls near Llanbedr, and Dyserth is nearer to Prestatyn. Dyserth Waterfalls
    Nantcol Waterfalls
    16th. July 11.30 am IBM MDM Thinking about Customer Master Integration, MDM in general and what tools IBM has to address the problems. They don't have a CMI, but they do have an Enterprise Person Master Index ('EMPI') for Healthcare, and a Customer Hub approach.
    I discovered that IBM offers a range of Industry Models for Banking, Financial Markets, Insurance, Health Plans, Retail and Telecomms.
    Industry Models
    IBM's MDM
    White Paper on MDM
    16th. July 11.00 am Web Development I will spend a few days on trying out Visual Web Developer to see how I get on in developing simple Database-driven Pages, having spent some time looking at the page that Tim suggested. Tim's Suggestion
    Visual Web Dev
    14th. July 9.00 pm SQL Server I got an email from Ian Giles, Data Warehouse Solution Specialist, of Microsoft (Reading - UK) with some good links to SQL Server, UDM and Data Warehousing, ian.giles at Best Practice in DW
    Fast Track
    11th. July 3.00 pm DBA Ltd. I paid in my first cheque for NW DBA A'c - $500 from Argon Paying-in
    10th. July 8.00 am Microsoft CRM Scribe Soft offers "Configurable Data Integration and Migration Software" for Microsoft Dynamics CRM and also mentions Scribe Soft
    9th. July 11.30 pm DB-as-a-Svc TeamDesk looks very interesting as a potential partner. TeamDesk DB-as-a-Svc
    8th. July 11.00 pm Architecture The DOD Architecture Framework is worth looking into. DOD AF
    8th. July 10.30 pm Microsoft I joined the BI Group in the Microsoft Partner Community.
    But I couldn't find a SQL Server Group so I started one.
    I came across Daniel Langton, Coordinator of the Partner Community.
    BI Partners
    Daniel Langton
    Day in the Life
    MSDN Arch Center
    Multi-Tenant Data Arch
    SS Partner Group
    7th. July 4.00 pm Apple iPhone Actual size of Apple iPhone (landscape). Apple iPhone
    7th. July 3.00 pm Prestatyn Receipt from Timpson's for having a key cut for Prestatyn. Timpsons Receipt
    7th. July 11.00 am NHS I can store my medical Record in the Clouds on Google's Health or Microsoft's HealthVault. Google Health
    Microsoft HealthVault
    HealthVault Sign-On
    5th. July 11.30 pm Happy Planets With the Happy Planet Index you can work out how happy you are ;) Centra;l America is best - and Costa Rica in particular. Happy Planet
    4th. July 11.30 pm Forrester Forrester reports that SQL Server is catching up on Oracle for Enterprise Performance Databases.
    There is a Web Development company called Phoenix in Prestatyn.
    Forrester Rpt
    Phoenix Web Dev
    Silwood Technology
    3rd. July 11.30 pm KM and Clouds Paul Miller works at the interface between the worlds of Cloud Computing and the Semantic Web, providing the insights that enable you to exploit the next wave as we approach the World Wide Database. Robert Miller
    Wikipedia and KM
    3rd. July 11.15 pm Here's an excellent intro to a Podcast about, and an interview with Adam Gross has some great Links on the page. Adam Gross
    3rd. July 11.00 pm Use Cases Maybe I should add an item about Use Cases to my Topics and FAQs in the Road Map. Use Cases
    Wikipedia on Use Cases
    2nd. July 7.00 am Dog Whisperer Cesar Millan has a new book out called 'A Member of the Family'.
    He also likes self-help experts Deepak Chopra and Tony Robbins.
    A Member of the Family
    Deepak Chopra
    Tony Robbins
    30th. June 11.00 pm Marketing Doug Richard is holding a 1-day Event for �100 Start-Up Marketing
    28th. June 10.00 pm Arabic N found a great Arabic Teacher on YouTube called Abu Taubah YouTube (1 of 5)
    25th. June 4.30 pm Business Startup I got a phone message from Alma at the RockStar Group (Phone 0784-1922-740), telling me my Mentor was waiting for my call. She said she had sent me many emails, but none ever arrived !!! She also promised an email which hasn't arrived yet. RockStar Group
    20th. June 9.30 pm SQL Server I submitted a question about Data Quality - no replies so afr, but aI found an ineteresting referenec to Building a Rules Engine.
    UDM - Unified Dimension Model.
    Integration Svcs Forum
    Question on Data Valdn
    Rules Engine
    Solutions for MDM
    20th. June 9.30 am Shoes Yesterday's Evening Standard Magazine mentions a good-looking pair of brown suede mocassins for men from a label called Fin's for Him, (Fin turns out to be a girl called Alexandra Finlay). They are available from Selfridges. Alexandra Finlay
    Fin's for Him
    17th. June 10.00 pm Ascot At the station, there is a big poster advertising services offered by the the UK Gov't Department of Trade and Industry (UK DTI), particularly for Export.
    Under Business Link, the Gov't also offers financial suppport in a 'Real Help Scheme' for these difficult times.
    Real Help Now
    UK DTI
    UK DTI for Export
    17th. June 10.00 pm Ascot Today I went to the June Races at Royal Ascot. I am glad I went but I will never go again. Ascot Races
    10th. June 10.00 am Introduction A couple of years ago I came across a Paper written by a visionary American Scientist called Dr.Vannevar Bush back in 1945. It put forward the idea of storing everything of interest in our lives so that, at any time in the future, we could always retrieve anything digital from one place.
    I started thinking about how it might apply today, with the beneifts of the Internet, both in life and in work.
    Then I created Data Models for My Life and My Work, which led me to creating this Online Diary, to provide a single front-end to all the Digital Assets in my life.
    Fortunately, with a Mobile Phone and a Printer/Scanner attached to my PC, it is easy to scan all sorts of documents, including Bills, Receipts, Tickets, and so on, and store them in a Repository of Digitral Assets, which also includes Audio and Video files, as well as Word documents.
    My Life and Work
    My Life Data Model
    My Work Data Model
    10th. June 8.30 am GC Live 2009 I took a train to GC Live 2009 at Earls Court, which was very worthwhile.

    Digital Continuity Project I had an interesting conversation with Simon Lovett of the National Archives in Kew about their work on Digital Continuity.

    Yo Sushi Sumo Summer Menu

    I called at Yo Sushi on the way home, which always reminds me about doing Judo at the Kodokan in Japan.

    Letter of Appreciation from Microsoft I wonder if this could could be relevant to the work I am doing for Microsoft in the States, that they appreciate so much.
    Digital Continuity
    Kodokan, Tokyo
    National Archives
    Yo Sushi !
    10th. June 8.00 am Judo Kashiwazaki has put on weight in 20 years - from the Daily Motion.
    Daily Motion
    Juji-gatame combination
    9th. June 8.30 pm GC Live 2009 At GC Live 2009 I also talked to IT Governance Ltd. who will feature in my Road Map for Enterprise Data Management, and have published a book on Data Governance. Data Governance Book
    IT Governance
    9th. June 8.30 pm GC Live 2009 Also at GC Live 2009, and learned about Asckey Data Services who offer Visual Data Flex, which has a Personal Version that I could download FREE and use to generate Applications from Data Models. Asckey
    DataFlex Personal
    DataFlex WSDL
    Download DataFlex
    Visual DataFlex (US)
    Web Services
    11th. May 11.30 pm Mobile BI Google for "mobile BI" for some very useful links Google "mobile bi"
    BI on iPhone
    BI S'force on iPhone
    Search for ...
    Data Integration
    SQL Server
    10th. May 7.00 pm Salesforce Search for SQL Server to find Partners offering Data Integration products. App Exchange
    BI on iPhone
    BI S'force on iPhone
    Search for ...
    Data Integration
    SQL Server
    8th. June 10.30 pm Salesforce I need a Data Integration product that runs in the Clouds and does not need any installtion.
    Probably like InformaticaOnDemand.
    Several people off Data Integration to SQL Server, as well as DBAmp.
    Also look at Web2Anything from Model Metrics.
    Blue Wolf
    Cast Iron
    Cloud Converter
    Informatice On Demand
    8th. June 10.00 pm Salesforce Last week's Webinar on Salesforce Database Approach is now available online. Database Webinar
    6th. June 10.00 am The Register The Register features excellent White Papers on Enterprise Data Management. The Register
    White Papers
    2nd. June 9.00 am Salesforce Microsoft is very active in the Architecture area, and has an MSDN Architecture Center called Skyscrapr. Mashup Architecture
    MSDN Skyscrapr
    2nd. June 9.00 am Salesforce Changes -
    1) Make Activity text Area (Long) because right now, it's only 255 characetrs which is much too short.
    2) Make Topic Tag mandatory.
    I should ask HostMySite if they provide a CMS.

    In preparation for Portal On Demand (POD) from and DBAmp from ForceAmp, (to provide a SQL Server interface to Salesforce :-

    Login, m123.
    To look at the Diary, use the Tab called 'My Work Diary' or 'My Personal Diary'.
    Use the Tab called 'Make a New Entry' for new data.
    Use the Topic Tags Tab to enter new Topics, (which are mandatory for new Diary Entries).
    DBAmp Reviews
    Salesforce Login
    2nd. June 8.15 am Hanoi Our friend Tam lives in Hanoi and an article in the Herald Tribune at the weekend has an article describing the wonders of the Vietnamese cuisine, as exemplified by three particular Restaurants. One is the Verticale Restaurant in Hanoi, and the other is the Cha Ca La Vong, also in Hanoi (phone 84-4 825-3929). and Quan an Ngon in Ho Chi Minh City, (phone 84-3 825-7179). Verticale Restaurant
    1st. June 12.15 pm HSBC HSBC might offer services for Start-Ups that I am not aware of. HSBC Start-Up Page
    31st. May 11.00 am NHS I have Appointments at 13.30 pm on July 23rd. 2009 and at 2.15 pm on Thursday, 17th. September,
    Hospital number=93024145, NHS = 4663352847.
    Phone 0207-380-9393 to cancel or change.
    London Medical Centre
    30th. May 11.00 am Salesforce Webinars - June 3rd and June 22nd.
    Thank you for registering!
    Thank you for joining " Tech Talk Series - Introduction to the Database & Preview Deep Dive".
    We look forward to you attending the webinar!
    Here is specific information on how to access the webinar, including dial-in and web conference instructions.
    Join the webinar "Introduction to the Database: June 3, 2009, 10 am PDT" via the following link:
    Webinar ID: 491-474-769

    Dial in to the conference call using this number:
    (888) 884-5895 code (US), +1706 643-9388 (International), access code 399528

    Join the webinar " Sites Preview Deep Dive: June 22, 10 am PDT" via the following link:

    Webinar ID: 833-850-977

    Dial in to the conference call using this number:
    (888) 884-5895 code (US), +1706 643-9388 (International), access code 399528
    June 3rd. Webinar
    June 22nd. Webinar
    28th. May 9.30 am SQL Server Here's a useful starting-point for help with SQL Server problems - maybe including Mgt Studio.
    I searched for "management studio remote access ip address" which looks very promising.

    Tim's advice is :- To connect to a remote sql server, you should just be able to type in the ip address.
    When you first start up management studio, you should see a �connect�dialog.
    By default, it might be pointing to �localhost/sqlexpress�.
    Just type in the ip address here.
    Also check that you don�t have any firewalls or antivirus blocking the sql server port.
    The default port number is 1433."
    SQL Svr Community
    28th. May 9.00 am Road Map A Case Study from Microsoft Research reports advanced usage of SQL Server - with Mashups of Spatial data and Microsoft Earth. I will add a mention of this to my Road Map. Case Study
    24th. May 11.00 pm eBooks I must use Lulu to publish 'Road Map for Enterprise Data Management' and 'Data Modelling for Young People', with bespoke Cover and ISBN. Lulu
    Print on Demand
    24th. May 9.30 am Salesforce ForceAmp offers Data Integration between Salesforce and SQL Server at $1,300/year but maybe I can get a free demo licence. ForceAmp
    22nd. May 10.30 am MDM Here's an interesting article from IT Business Edge. MDM Article
    20th. May 9.30 pm Manga Tutorial on "Data Modelling for Young People" featuring Toby and Dimple is being done by Flash Designs (South Africa) - Email address for TA and Fatimah J is flashdesignssa at gmail dot com  
    20th. May 8.30 pm e-Government Thank you for pre-registering for GC Live 2009. (June 9th.)
    Your badge reference number is WR7301.
    GC-Live, 2009
    20th. May 8.30 am Road Map I came across a mention in the (highly recommended) DotNet Developers Journal of Compuware's Optimal Trace, which is described as "The Microsoft Word of functional requirements". DotNet Journal
    Optimal Trace
    Optimal Trace Review
    20th. May 8.30 am Road Map Revised Approach looks like this :- Start Left Middle End up on Right (always focus on Data Architecture, which is my USP)
    Questionnaire Templates (incorporating my experience)
    19th. May 7.30 pm Data Quality Data Quality Pro looks like a good web site. DataQualityPro
    17th. May 5.30 pm Arabic Graffiti appeard on our house yesterday. Graffiti
    17th. May 5.30 pm Arabic Maybe N would like to learn Arabic with RosettaStone Online or Level 3.
    They have special offers from time to time.
    Arabic Comparison
    Arabic on CD
    Arabic Online
    15th. May 9.30 am Westfield Spaghetti House has just opened in Westfield and celebrated its 50 years in business in London.
    So naturally, we had to go and join in the celebrations !!!
    It was pretty good too, though no sign of Ramone or his buddies.
    Just young friendly waitresses from Italy and Portugal.
    Large Place Mat
    Spaghetti House
    14th. May 9.00 am Books Joel on Software has spawned a thriving industry around the Business of Software Business of Software
    13th. May 9.30 pm Sharepoint You can integrate Sharepoint to Moodle for e-Learning. Sharepoint+Moodle
    6th. May 10.00 pm DB Topics Add Check this out. Info Mgt
    12th. May 9.00 am Enterprise Mashups Problems installing Jackbe Presto seem to be caused by a need for Java Runtime.
    Here's the latest reply from Sara, technical writer/jackbe :-
    "Sounds like you need to install the JDK (java developer kit) Standard Edition at the very least.
    You can get this for version 6 (also known as 1.6) from Sun at:
    Follow the directions to install the JDK. Once it is installed, try setup.bat again and it should start prompting you for information."
  • Developer Community
    My Problem
    12th. May 7.30 am Design and Build My Appproach to every Day is :-
    Morning - Design
    Afternoon - Build
    Evening - Review

    My Current Priorities are :-
    0. Go to Job Centre to get NI number for N.
    1. Respond to Marie - today
    2. Draft Business Plan for HSBC - end Wednesday.
    3. Arrange to meet Martin James at Talend - today.
    4. Email Ron Pritchard at Haringey - today.
    5. Complete Presentation document for Microsoft - today.
    5. Complete Presentation document for Salesforce - end Thursday - then contact Monty.
    6. Get Geoff's comments on the document for Oracle - end Thursday.
    7. Fix Informatica OnDemand problem.
    11th. May 11.00 pm Road Map Booked Free Ticket (Nr 112102) for the Business Startup Conference looks promising on May 28th. and 29th in Excel. Seminars
    11th. May 9.00 am Salesforce Etherios is a Dallas-based company with a great line in British images on its Web Site.
    They offer a MetaData Browser called EasyDescribe, and a VisualForce page generator called EasyPage.
    MetaData Browser
    MetaData Trial
    10th. May 7.00 pm Salesforce Add Informatica OnDemand is listed on this useful page of Salesforce Partner products. App exchange
    Data Integration
    10th. May 10.00 am Mashups Unable to install Presto or Talend.
    Communities of limited help.
    6th. May 10.00 pm Road Map Add Reference Data and MDM to Road Map and Industry Platforms.
    WorkDay offers a Single (HR) System for a Global Enterprise.
    6th. May 9.30 pm Partners I am "partnered" with Microsoft with Organization Partner ID:2142316.
    I am also partnered with Salesforce (funky_dba/m123) and I am ready to sign up with POD to provide unlimited and free User Access.
    I am not partnered with Oracle, although I have a Username which is recognised (barryw/m3).
    I downloaded Oracle Application Express (90Mb) but didn't install it because I am short on disc space.
    MS Partner Centre
    Oracle Signin
    3rd. May 9.00 pm Sharepoint Elance offers help with Sharepoint development. Elance
    3rd. May 8.00 pm Sharepoint Determine the Information Architecture for your Sharepoint Site. Global Gov
    Info Arch
    Info Arch Model
    3rd. May 7.30 pm Sharepoint On April 24th. I went to a presentation on Sharepoint Server by ICS at Microsoft in Victoria where Martin Harwar from Point820 talked about their LearningPoint add-on to Sharepoint. Point8020
    3rd. May 8.00 pm Sharepoint I missed a Best Practices Sharepoint Conference in London on April 6th - 8th. in the QE II Conference Centre. Combined Knowledge provide training and Raona are consultants in Sharepoint Best Practices
    Combined Knowledge
    Joel's Blog
    10th. Feb 10.30 pm Tim's Progress Tim uses QuantaSoft which offers Sharepoint and (soon) SQL Server 2008, plus 50% reduction offer until February 14th. which is this Saturday.
    Tim has been working on a Microsoft version of My Online Diary, and makes these comments :-
    "Here's an update to the tabs and search so that you can see how it's going.
    We currently don't have a login screen, so the 'login' tab is points to the new search screen.
    I imagine that cosmetically, you might want some further changes so just let me know and I can tweak it as required".
    Salesforce Login is funky_dba(at) / m333
    QuantaSoft ASP Hosting
    Q'Soft Sharepoint Hosting
    Salesforce Login
    Tim's Tabs
    Zipped Screenshots Doc't
    1st. May 7.00 pm Road Map Add LINQ to Road Map.
    HSBC has 9,500 offices in 85 countries and territories.
    The purpose of the demo running on SQL Server is to show the features of a Data Dictionary Approach running in the Clouds.
    I can sell Reference Data - especially thru MDM-as-a-Service - either for a price or on Subscription.
    Therefore, I will sign up for SQL Server and create Templates for Reports and Application Generation.
    25th. April 11.00 am Life Chico (ex goat herder from Morocco) says alwasy have a PMA - "Positive Mental Attitude". It's Chico Time !!!
    1st. May 6.00 pm InformaticaOnDemand There's a useful Webinar about Salesforce Data Integration at Monster Worlwide using InformaticaOnDemand. Inform. Certification
    Informatica OnDemand
    IOD Login:info@barryw /m3
    IOD Ning Community
    Monster Webinar
    30th. April 10.30 am Ealing I will advise Ealing about yesterday's Telegraph report on Government Green Paper proposing to launch an online service making it possible for "Crime victims to see who was punished for offences in their area" - Criminals by postcode across the UK.
    This will be linked to the Crime Map websites that Police forces already provide.
    For Ealing, it is an example of Community, Feedback, (Involvement) and Location-aware Reports.
    Criminals by Postcode Crime Records Search
    30th. April 10.00 am Weight I came across a note where N had made a note of how much we weighed in Ramadan, 1995 ;)
    She was 64 kg and I was 89 kg - now she is 69 kg and I am 93kg !!!
    We are both trying to lose the 5 and 4 kilos we put on but it's a slow process.
    Weight in 1995
    28th. April 10.30 pm Manga Teaching I must check out this book to see if it gives me any ideas. Manga Databases
    28th. April 10.00 pm Salesforce There's a YouTube video explaining Cloud Computing, and a company in St.John's Street, London, EC1 called ApexCloud that might offer Salesforce development. ApexCloud
    YouTube Video
    25th. April 7.30 pm GUI Buttons DON'T LOSE THIS - free Button Generator from GUIStuff. Colour for usual blue buttons is 0099FF and dark green is 009933, with light green background of 00FF00. GUI Button Generator
    25th. April 10.35 pm Microsoft Microsoft has 220,000 Partners in practically every country around the world, with a very useful page listing the count for every country. Partners Page
    25th. April 10.30 am SQL Server My submission yesterday of a Paper to the PASS SQL Server in Seattle meeting in November was successfully accepted.
    Details were confirmed in an email to me at, as follows :-
    "Your session proposal has been successfully submitted for A SQL Server Road Map for Enterprise Data Management.
    Your unique proposal number is: 166992.
    You may make changes to your course prior to April 24, 2009, by logging into the submission site at with the username and password you have previously created. Username: info at
    Password: m3
    For technical assistance, please contact the Content Management Customer Service line at 888-711-1138, Ext. 241 or e-mail support at between 9 a.m ? 5 p.m. EST Monday ? Friday..
    For all other questions, please contact Elena Sebastiano at elena.sebastiano at
    25th. April 8.00 am Music Yesterday's Guardian newpaper gives 4 out of 5 stars to a new CD of 'Retro Soul' by Raphael Saadiq,(previously known as Charlie Wiggins) ex Tony!Toni! Tone! and as producer of D'Angelo and TLC. The English Joss Stone appears on one track and 'does herself proud for a change'. I checked it out and bought some MP3 tracks from Amazon - isn't the Internet wonderful !!! Raphael Saadiq
    25th. April 7.30 am Restaurants Yesterday's London Evening Standard newpaper,(now owned by a Russian), reports that an Italian Restuarant called Signor Sassi has been bought by a rich Kuwaiti Sheikh because he liked it so much that he wanted it for his own.
    The item made me smile because I always think of my wife as 'Signora Sassy'.
    Signor Sassi
    24th. April 11.00 am Holidays In Victoria yesterday, I saw a Travel Agent advertising an airline called Asiana Airlines, which must be different from AirAsia, which is based in KL.
    I have disabled the link to Asiana Airlines because when I went to their Web Site, I got the dreaded Blue Screen of Death, (the first time ever on this Dell), with a message that said :-
    "A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.
    If this happens again ..."
    Asiana Airlines (Uk)
    Asiana Airlines (US)
    23rd. April 11.00 pm Tutorials Check my Tutorial Create a Tutorial
    List of Tutorials
    MDM Tutorial
    22nd. April 9.00 am Experts-Exchange I should split my 250 points, giving 167 to lwadwell and 83 to CGLuttrell. SQL Question
    22nd. April 8.30 am My Online Diary STA and the Flight Centre is offering an 'Online Safe', which is a way to store copies of valuable documents online for Travellers who might lose things or get them stolen on their travels. STA Online Safe
    22nd. April 8.00 am Road Map Add more Templates - starting with analysis of As-Is situation, and add personalised Workspace to store each User's (partially) completed Templates. SS 2008 Learning
    21st. April 11.50 pm My Life Invite cemilbasaran (Member 1,479) to sign up when my Online Diary is available.  
    21st. April 11.30 pm Microsoft I will look into Microsoft's Learning Solutions, after getting an email from Knowledgewave, who are Vermont's only Certified Microsoft Gold Partner for Learning Solutions.
    Following up Microsoft links, I came across an interesting one on "IT Manager Connections - Building business and careers on the Microsoft Platform", Virtual Labs and training on SQL Server 2008.
    2008 Learning Portal
    M'soft Learning Solutions
    M'soft Technet
    Platform Sol'n Blueprints
    M'soft Platforms
    SS 2008 Learning
    21st. April 8.30 am Microsoft Peopleready and Partner Solutions 2006 PeopleReady Vision
    Find a Partner
    PeopleReady (UK)
    PeopleReady (Worldwide)
    Solution Finder (UK)
    20th. April 10.30 am Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi Tourism Development & Investment Company (TDIC) is looking for an Enterprise Architecture Manager.Ref. EA01.
    The job description says :-
    "Reporting to the Head of ICT, you will provide ICT with architectural advice and direction: and create standards across business units and ICT initiatives.
    You will additionally oversee application support efforts for systems currently supporting the business.
    20th. April 10.00 am Money Business Link offers Rapid Response help to people made redundant or in need of urgent help.
    Solutions Force can help with free advice about Government Grants and Loans.
    Business Link
    SolutionsForce Email
    19th. April 10.00 pm Architecture Microsoft has an Architecture Centre in the UK.
    They invite us to "Send us your feedback and comments to".
    MS Architecture
    Send Comments

    Microsoft Partners :-
    Black Marble
    Eden Brook
    Solid Soft
    Sungard Public Sector
    19th. April 9.00 pm Online Gambling Gamesys is one of the major players in this space,and now takes over �1 billion of wagering a year.
    This is their Mission Statement :-
    "Gamesys mission is to continue to develop world class, multi-platform gaming software along with high quality promotional and reporting tools to enable licensees to maximize the opportunities available in the fast-growing international digital gaming market."

    The Gamesys Development Process is based on Scrum and XP, the latest Agile thinking.
    Gamesys uses Java and has migrated from servlets, through EJBs to the latest Spring / Hibernate frameworks and Flash.
    Book on Scrum
    Scrum and XP - Agile
    19th. April 7.00 pm Wine My favourite wine at Baroosh is Kloovenburg Chardonnay - but when I check the Kloovenburg Web Site, there are three different Chardonnays available - Chardonnary 2007 (Sold out), Unwooded 2008 and 2008, which is described in the following terms - "Elegantly understated, this complex Chardonnay offers layers of dried apricots, compelling citrus and nutty nougat all beautifully integrated in a smooth but structured palate. Well-considered barrel maturation balances the quality fruit and concludes in a lovely lengthy finish."
    I will have to identify exactly which is the one that I like.
    Kloovenburg Web Site Kloovenburg Wines
    18th. April 11.30 am ToDoList Call Simon Lewiston Phone: 01784 223 000, Mbl: 07876 493 817) at Spargonet in Rathgar House, 188 High Street, Egham, TW20 9ED. SpargoNet Map
    18th. April 11.00 am Contacts Tejal Patel, agent for Client in Regent Street - phone 0207-444-4148  
    15th. April 11.00 pm Salesforce Try Mobile Lite Mobile Lite
    15th. April 9.30 pm Salesforce An interesting Blog from Jeff Douglas, who is a Senior Platform Developer at Informa. Jeff Douglas Blog
    Entrepreneurs in Developing Countries
    For ASP.Net Developers
    14th. April 10.00 am Mailbox 0837-252 / 06266401 / 818507.  
    14th. April 9.30 am Money For my Road Map, I registered my interest with a new Web Sute called First Funding, which has been launched to offer funding and put Entrepreneurs directly in touch with private lenders. First Funding
    14th. April 9.00 am Music Booker T, of Booker T and the MG's, has a new album out called Potato Hole. Potato Hole
    13th. April 10.00 pm Cloud Computing SQL Server Central says that SQL Server in the Clouds is inevitable, it's just a question of the timing. Large Analysis Mig
    12th. April 9.00 am Holidays Inexpensive accommodation is available at Oxford and Cambridge Universities - cheaply and a great way to show Norlia two beautiful cities. University Rooms
    11th. April 10.00 pm AppExchange AppExchange produces 132 Links for a Search on "data integration". Informatica offers a FREE On Demand Data Loader Service for Salesforce, which seems to include SQL Connectors Astadia offers a Student Platform AppExchange
    Portal On Demand
    11th. April 10.00 am Salesforce Nexell, based near Zurich in Switzerland offers "Portal On Demand" which seems to solve the problem of offering having many Users who are not Salesforce Customers.
    Therefore should be good for the Road Map.
    Also offer Open-Source free CMS (Joomla - used by Harvard) and Translation !!!
    Informatica OnDemand
    Joomla CMS
    Portal On Demand
    10th. April 11.30 pm VPS My plan is to use Remote Desktop (recommended by HostMySite) to access my VPS.
    Then download SQL Server 2008 Express.
    Remote Desktop
    SQL Server 2008 Express
    SS 2008 Exp with Reporting Svcs
    10th. April 9.00 am Web 2.0 Here's an attractive Web Site from Universal Mind who say they develop Rich Internet Applications - but unfortunately, they depend on Flash for their richness. Universal Mind
    10th. April 6.30 am Road Map Draft notes - total = �45,000 for 3 months,
    Levels of Monthly Subscription - Intro is free, and then $50/�35, $200/$100 and $500/$350.
    Think about joining SOCITM.
    Contact Ron Pritchard.
    Include Microsoft's peopleready in the Road Map - Data Model and Scenarios as part of an enhanced Case Study.
    McGraw Book
    North Country
    North Country Blog
    North Country Data
    10th. April 6.30 am Road Map I'm looking at my book "How to do everything with Web 2.0 Mashups" by Jesse Feiler, to complete my Universal Information Architecture. Data is available from the author's Web Site at North Country Consulting. which I will add to my MDM-as-a-Service Web Site.
    Unfortunately, the download data links I want don't exist or don't work.
    Code is available at the McGraw Hill Book Site, the link is on the left and says simply 'code'.
    McGraw Book
    North Country
    North Country Blog
    North Country Data
    9th. April 8.30 am Road Map 1. Finalise Road Map for Answering Database Questions and Enterprise Data Mgt.
    2. Marketing - Subscriptions at 3 levels - $10, $50 and $100 - volumes - 1,500 Community Members, Microsoft Partners and Informatica Partners and PwC Country offices.
    3. Volumes=500 at $10, 1,000 at $50 and 250 at $100 = $5,000+$50,000+$25,000 =$80,000/month
    4. Think about a Section on a "Generic or Universal Data Platform" - look at My Life or other Data Models that include Digital Asset Types and Publication techniques.
    Add more detail to the Marketing Section.
    Keep everything in one document until it comes time to discuss it or distribute it.
    Aim to produce final draft ready for HSBC by the end of (Easter) Monday.
    Produce versions in Arabic, Chinese, French, Italian etc..
    Maybe standard ANSI SQL is a lower level of Data Platform or Data Services.
    Check Royal Holloway for guy who was at the recent IDC SOA Conference, about Road Map.
    Complete UNGC COP.
    8th. April 11.00 am Finance The UK Government has launched an Enterprise Finance Guarantee that looks like I can apply for a business loan to support the cost of developing the software for the Road Map.
    There is an Online Self-Assessment Form I can complete and take to the Bank next week.
    Enterprise Finance G'tee
    Self-Assessment Form
    5th. April 11.00 am Bumblebees On the radio this morning they was an item about British Waterways who are asking people to tell them about sightings of wildlife, especially near rivers and lakes, and especially about Bumblebees.
    We live on the River Thames and today my wife saw a Bumblebee outside the window so she recorded it on the Survey.
    British Waterways
    British Waterways Survey
    Toby the Sniffer Dog
    4th. April 9.00 am Contacts Dentist - Terry Davies and Tamsin Vaughan Williams - Phone 0207-629-2164, address 18 Jamea Street, W1.  
    2nd. April 10.00 pm SQL Server I joined PASS - the Professional Association for SQL Server as info at / m3.
    I will submit my Road Map to the Competition under the Enterprise Data Administration Track by April 24th..
    PASS Submission
    20th. Mar 4.30 pm Super2DoList 1. Finish Book on Road Map for Answering Database Questions"
    1.a Version for MS called "Road-Map for Enterprise Data Management"
    1.b Version for Informatica called "Road-Map for Enterprise Data Management"
    2. Publish eBook on DB DEsign from Cradle to Grave" for DBA Community.
    3. Call Brian Omahony.

    4. Load Reference Data in the Clouds with Azure or my own SQL Svr 2008.
    5. Think about using "Donate using Paypal".
    Brian Omahony's Web Site
    "Donate using Paypal"
    Croydon PCT Stop Smoking
    10th. Mar 4.30 pm 2DoList 1. DONE - Met with Monty at Salesforce about Partnership, and invited to April 6th. event.
    2. DONE - Updated Boy Scouts Data Model by looking at Mary Huffken's Speadsheets
    3. Email Croydon PCT to 'Express an Interest' in the DB Application for their Stop Smoking Service
    4. Check Salesforce SOQL Syntax for Views, etc..
    5. Review Database for Marie

    6. Think about Sharepoint and Installing SQL Server 2008 on my VPS.
    7. Plan to get Tim's help and develop My Online Diary in SF, a mix of front-end to SF data and 100% ASP.Net.
    8. Then ask Monty about whether he would like to be involved and/or get results.
    9. Check Cognizant - maybe at Salesforce Partners get-together on April 6th.
    10. Check HostMySite for my email, renew Domain registration and SQL Server 2008 on my VPS.
    11. Email Geoff and scumbag agency asking for Letter of Reference.
    12. Email Patrick for third time for second payment of $350
    13. Buy Watch Voice Recorder is �100 from Spycatcher, in Selfridges or Portman Square.
    14. Produce Database Architecture and send to Monty.
    15. Email Brian about working in the Middle East.
    16. Email Croydon PCT to 'Express an Interest' in the DB Application for their Stop Smoking Service
    17. Find cost of one-day Course on Presentation Techniques at 'Selling is Just a Conversation',(SIJAC).
    18. Complete Paper for Brunei
    19. Update Paper for Steve Hoberman called Franchises.doc
    10. Get Letters from Ealing.
    20. Email Ron Pritchard at Haringey about Mobile working and SMPL/BMEWS
    21. Check out Reach for volunteering for N.
    22. Check out Global IT Assessment from Blue Phoenix et al.
    23. Think about Quit Corporate America.
    24. Call Brian Omahony.
    25. Check out Arden Business Consultants - specialists in DB Mgt - and a nice site.
    Blue Phoenix Global IT
    Brian Omahony's Web Site
    Croydon PCT Stop Smoking
    Quit Corporate America
    SQL Svr 2008 Download
    Watch Voice Recorder
    2nd. April 8.00 pm Architecture Here's a couple of interesting Links on Architecture, and an article on BI in the Clouds containing the thought-provoking phrase :- "Some kinds of database architectures are better suited for cloud computing than others." BI in the Clouds
    Informatica on Data Gov
    Info Mgt on Architecture
    MS UK Architecture Centre
    2nd. April 8.00 am Cloud Computing The Herald Tribune reports that IBM and more than 20 other companies have formed an Open Cloud Manifesto. It has about 50 members, but Salesforce and Informatica are not among them !!!
    Notewirthy members that I recognise include Boomi, Cisco and Pentaho BI, Sun and Terremark.
    Open Cloud Manifesto
    IBM Cloud Computing
    Open Cloud Consortium
    Pentaho BI
    31st. Mar 7.00 pm Quality Time My wife and I went for our weekly outing to Westfield, where we enjoyed lunch at The Real Greek Restaurant, served by a Polish waiter and a South African waitress, who both said they preferred London to their home countries. Real Greek Restaurant
    Restaurant at Westfield Restaurant Card
    31st. Mar 9.00 am Mobile Applns I cam across an interesting Web Site called Bytes, and another one called Mr.Bool, based in Brazil,with an article entitled 'Developing a mobile PhotoBlog with .NET. It covers Databases, including SQL Server, Firebird, Oracle and MySQL. Bytes for SQL Server
    29th. Mar 9.00 am Selfridges 'Groom' provides a range of services, including hair and eyebrows, phone 0207-499-1199. Groom
    Groom Eyes
    28th. Mar 9.00 pm e-Learning There's an interesting ad in today's Telgraph for a Web Site called Edge about a revolution in Learning for young people in the UK. Edge Home Page
    Edge Revolution
    28th. Mar 11.00 pm Salesforce Astadia is a Salesforce Gobal Partner and doesn't do any other kind of work - in other words, they have built a global consulting business on Salesforce alone..
    They have a presence in England at Tower 42 in Old Broad Street - but Kathleen Renn didn't look at my Web Site.
    Astadia Locations
    29th. Mar 11.30 pm Salesforce SOQL Suggestions from Developer Community for how I can run SOQL :-
    "You have various options, there are some desktop tools that are geared towards interactively running SOQL, examining your schema etc,
    SoqlX if you're on a Mac, Explorer or the eclipse plugin. The other option would be to install a package into your account that lets you do similar things via the web UI, try the ajax debug shell, or the Appirio SOQL query tool." PocketSoap looks good.
    Appirio SOQL Query Tool DeveloperForce Tools
    PocketSoap (bad URL)
    28th. Mar 11.00 pm Salesforce SOQL Appirio offers an SOQL Query Tool. Appirio
    Appirio's Query Tools
    Force Workbench
    Google SOQL Query Tool
    27th. Mar 11.00 pm Salesforce Data Models I am looking for Salesforce Data Models. The best idea right now is to use the API to generate SQL Scripts and then reverse Engineer the Scripts into Dezign or ERWin.
    I came across which "is produced by members of the NPSF (nonprofit community. We are practitioners and consultants that work at helping nonprofits understand, better use and leverage for their organizations.
    Blog on Data Models
    Perspectives in SForce
    Getting Started
    Getting Started - Developers
    SF and Non-Profits
    26th. Mar 11.00 pm Salesforce I posted a question on the General Developers Community to ask :-
    "Newbie Question -- Can I run Scripts to create and populate Custom Objects ?"
    Sati answered :-
    "Yes, with the Metadata API, you can build Custom Objects and fields programmatically.
    More from the Custom Object API.
    Also, you can use the IDE (which uses the Metadata API), to quickly customize your org.
    Hope that helps,

    RyanGuest3 replied :-
    You'll want to use the metadata api for creating the custom object types.
    Then use the regular api to insert values.
    There are lots of tools that will allow you to insert data quickly if you don't want to spend time writing one-off scripts.
    I'd recommend the Excel Connector for quickly inserting data.
    Custom Object API IDE
    25th. Mar 11.30 pm Informatica Informatica wins a Award and offers DQ OnDemand - ie. DQ in the Clouds. Informatica OnDemand
    Informatica's Award
    23rd. Mar 9.30 pm SQL Server I came across a useful article on the SQL Server Central Web Site about using Meta-Data in the System Catalogues to generate useful Scripts. MetaData Scripts
    20th. Mar 8.00 pm DQ Web Sites I came across two excellent Web Sites for Database Professionals. They are Data Migration Pro and Data Quality Pro which are "are free online community resources dedicated to helping data professionals get ahead in their career or business. Data Migration Pro
    Data Quality Pro
    20th. Mar 7.00 pm VPS Log into the control panel as : BWilliams13, Pwd : M333, Domain:, Contact Type: Account Administrator Control Panel Login
    20th. Mar 6.30 pm Salesforce I was sent an email about Salesaforce in KL, which mentioned some Partners, including Cornerstone OnDemand, Eloquia, Workday and Xactly. Astadia !!!
    Cornerstone OnDemand
    20th. Mar 7.30 am Salesforce Wikipedia has an entry for Cloud Computing. Click for large image Cloud Computing which includes Salesforce in a diagram showing the major players. Cloud Computing in Wikipedia
    19th. Mar 9.00 am Holidays Yesterday's Telegraph had an article on a small town called Eze in the South of France that is worth following-up. Flights to Nice are available from BA, BMI and Flybe. BMI
    Fly Be
    Eze Web Site
    18th. Mar 9.00 am Documents I am drafting my definitive World Tour Document, also called a Marketing Plan, which will have a Specific version and specific versions for Airlines, Local Government (people_ready) and Salesforce. Doc on Mktng Expertise
    Doc on World Tour
    people ready (UK)
    people ready (US)
    16th. Mar 11.00 pm Malaysia I found a Microsoft Partner called Enovade in Selangor. Enovade
    16th. Mar 10.00 pm Wabi-Sabi Here's an interesting TV program tracking Marcel Theroux's search for the meaning of Wabi-Sabi.
    My understanding is that it means 'Nothing is ever perfect and nothing lasts forever', which is a very comforting philosophy, because it teaches us to accept that things always go wrong, and that even the worst wrong things won't last forever.
    Wikipedia on Wabi-Sabi
    15th. Mar 7.00 pm Sunglasses We went to the Bicester Designer Outlet Village where I saw a pair of Oliver People's ZED sunglasses that started me thinking about looking for a pair of "Ray Charles Sunglasses", although I already have a pair of Oakleys that I like that my wife gave me for my birthday.
    Here's what the Click for large image Oakley Sunglasses looks like and Click for large image Oliver People's and Click for large image Ray Charles Glasses.
    Oakley Sunglasses
    Oliver People Zed
    Ray Charles
    13th. Mar 4.30 pm Mobile Applns Here's an interesting Web Site from W3C about the Web on the Move. W3C Mobile Web
    13th. Mar 4.30 pm Salesforce Here's a Guide to Apex to check whether SOQL includes Views.
    Click on "open topic with navigation" to get Explorer-style listing on the left.
    Data Model
    Getting Started Guide
    Apex Guide
    13th. Mar 9.30 am Contacts At the SOA Conference yesterday, I bumped into Salim Sheikh from Ealing, who is currently doing some consulting work for O2 in Slough.  
    13th. Mar 9.00 am NHS Yesterday, Dr.Lunken told me I don't have Diabetes so I will tell the Exercise people in 67, Chenies Mews (lesley.gilbert at that I will be dropping out of their Monday afternoon Classes. She also arranged a review Appointment for me in 6 months time - at 2.15 pm on Thursday, 17th. September,
    Hospital number=930241145, NHS = 4663352847.
    London Medical Centre
    11th. Mar 8.30 pm Salesforce An estimate for developing the integration of SF Tasks with my Work-related Diary using Visualforce is 30 hours or 4 days, Which is more than it would take in - which seems strange.  
    11th. Mar 8.00 am Diabetes The Diabetes UK web site tells me that a Pear has 38 kg of sugar !!! Also the Official GI Web Site has a Search facility that you can use to get the Sugar content for a wide variety of foods. Diabetes UK
    Glycaemic Index
    Official GI Site
    10th. Mar 11.00 pm Microsoft Local Gov't I found a great Microsoft Web Site showing the Citizen Service Platform that it offers to Local Government. Citizen Svc Platform
    People and Processes
    10th. Mar 4.00 pm Microsoft CRM UK newspapers report that Google Tracker might be a privacy risk, and that more people visit Facebook and Twitter than use Email. Google Tracker
    Google Tracker Download
    9th. Mar 9.30 pm UNGC This afternoon I went to the UNGC Quarterly meeting in Regents Park which included a request by Maplecroft for people to work with them on their 2-year Study of Human Rights.
    There's some potential for Norlia to be involved on the basis of her Study of Internet Web 2.0 and the the potential for Women in Traditional Societies.
    Scott Wilson
    UNGC (UK)
    9th. Mar 9.00 pm Microsoft CRM Microsoft is advertising their CRM Solution heavily - it's not immediately clear whether it's on-premises or on-demand in the Clouds. People Ready
    8th. Mar 10.00 pm Cloud Computing There's a page covering Cloud Computing, published by Information Week.
    RightScale is worth a look - and offers a free Developer Edition.
    Cloud Computing
    8th. Mar 6.00 pm Avanade Microsoft and Accenture have joined to form Avanade, which is a global organisation, specialising in ERP and CRM with a presence in the Petronas Towers, KL, Malaysia, whose web site includes a link to a negative Review of Cloud Computing, published by Information Week. Avanade
    Avanade (UK)
    Review of Cloud Computing
    5th. Mar 10.00 pm My Life A very interesting device was announced in the UK today by O2 called The Joggler, which is another device offering Easy Access to lots of Data from lots of Places at any Time. It will be available in April for �150/$250.
    Unfortunately, it doesn't have a Browser to surf the Web !!!
    engadget review
    5th. Mar 6.00 pm My Life Here's a very positive comment on Sys-Con about iPhones and Amazon's Kindle.
    "One World, One Life, One Commute, One Device" - Personal usage and Enterprise usage in harmony ?
    iPhone Sys-Con Discussion
    5th. Mar 6.00 pm Data Models Here's a discussion on Sys-Con about SOA and Canonical Data Models :-
    Which Came First, the SOA or the Data Model? � Recently I have been engaged in two Master Data Management (MDM) initiatives within the context of a larger Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) adoption plan. In both cases, the client found themselves at an impasse regarding how to resolve conflicts between the master data model and the data model required for one or more SOA artifacts (i.e. business process, service interface, etc.).
    5th. Mar 5.30 pm Salesforce There's a Salesforce Community where you can learn about Microsoft .NET Development. .NET Dev Community
    5th. Mar 10.30 am MDM Cognizant looks good for MDM, has an office in London, and is a partner with Salesforce Cognizant
    4th. Mar 11.30 pm Dance Great demo from the Daily Motion. Crip Dance Demo
    Daily Motion
    4th. Mar 11.00 pm Judo Kashiwazaki has put on weight in 20 years - from the Daily Motion.
    Daily Motion
    Juji-gatame combination
    4th. Mar 8.30 pm Entrepreneurs A mountain rescue in the Alps was reported in today's Guardian newspaper where Twitter played a valuable part, and two people involved set up an Internet musical instrument Web Site called Dolphin Music in 1999, which reached a turnover of more than �9M in 2007. Dolphin Music
    4th. Mar 8.00 pm e-Learning Today's Guardian newspaper has an ad for an interesting Conference in Lincoln's Inn Fields on March 17th. about ICT and Learning which is part of the UK initiative called "Building Schools for the Future".
    The same issue also has an ad for "Next Generation Learning".
    It lists some interesting Topics, including :-
  • Blogs , Digital Cameras , Gaming , GPS , Music Technologies
  • Podcasts , Radio Stations , Robots , Wikis , Video Conferencing
  • BSF Conference
    4th. Mar 9.00 am Salesforce Development Phases are as follows :-
    Phase 1 - DONE Personal (using SF Data Entry) - Andi ($450 using Paypal funds)
    Phase 2 - DONE Personal Data Entry - Sumit ($250/�180 by DBA cheque)
    Phase 3 - Personal Mobile display - Sumit (proposed 45 hours at $20/hr = $900 !!!)
    (This is 6 and a half 7-hour days, using SF Mobile Applications facility).
    Phase 4 - Link to SF data - Sumit (proposed 35 hours at $20/hr = $700 !!!)
    (This is one week of 7-hour days, eg to link to Customers Annual Revenue).
    SF login/m333
    3rd. Mar 1.30 pm Salesforce I logged in to and searched for Data Integration Partners, and found a few quite easily - MK Partners in LA (SF only), which offers Data Deplication in these terms :-
    Data Deduplication
    Your data is your most valuable asset. Sophisticated tools like may help you track your data better, but it doesn�t prevent duplicates from being created or keep your data clean. We recommend a complete data cleansing at least once a year to keep your data in good shape.
    MK Partners offers a quick and inexpensive package that will cleanse your data and put measures in place to reduce the creation of duplicate records.

    Rates for a Salesforce consultant "Hourly rates for a Salesforce consultant in Seattle are $100 and $150.
    Our engagement (~3 months) involves upgrade from Professional to Enterprise, and the redesign, reconfiguration and reimplementation of Salesforce. We also have integrations from ~four data sources. We only have 40 users/licenses."
    CRM Fusion
    MK Partners (LA)
    Salesforce Foundation
    SF Terminology
    3rd. Mar 12.30 pm Salesforce I downloaded and installed the Apex Data Loader, which is described as follows :-
    Apex Data Loader is an application for the bulk import or export of data.
    Use it to insert, update, delete, or extract Salesforce records.
    The Apex Data Loader can move data into or out of any Salesforce Object.

    Sunset Pharmacy
    3rd. Mar 11.00 am Mobile Applns Detailed Specifications for adding Work Data
    Work-related data means Salesforce data or data in other databases.
    What changes are required in the Display Diary and Make Entry forms?
    I will add a field to the Diary Custom Object called Work_or_Personal which will have values of WORK, PRSN or BOTH. This will be added to the logic for DisplayDiary to SELECT only appropriate records. So this field will be an SF Multi Select Picklist.
    The Customers clickable image on this page will fetch data from 'my' Accounts' SF Object, which I think of as Customers. In other words, right now I have a simple version of a more flexible link from my Diary to SF data stored in standard SF Objects. I will define a Data Access layer to be a standard interface between the Diary Application and the SF Data.
    [RBW] For the first Phase I want a simple interface that will store the SF User name in my Customer Customer Object, then use it to retrieve the Customers (ie Accounts) for that User and display them when the link is clicked.
    SEARCH The Search page would include a join on the Work_or_Personal field for WORK or PRSN depending on whether the Search was done from the Work page or not. The To Do List link would display the result of Searching for records with the Tag Topic of '2DoList'.

    How does the Customer data get physically inserted?
    Do we write a Apex trigger in SFDC?
    When the User first creates his Diary, our code will pick up his Username from the SF Object and store it in the Diary Custom User Object. Then the Customers for the User will be picked up from the Account Object for that User. In other words, the Customer Custom Object does not exist physically. It is a run-time SELECT statement that would be a View in conventional SQL.

    Can we have Views in SOQL ?
    My Spec says "The Search page would include a join on the Work_or_Personal field for WORK or PRSN depending on whether the Search was done from the Work page or not."

    How do we know which is the Work page ?
    The simple answer is that we call a separate Search page which is copied from the existing Search page and has WORK hard-coded. In other words, we have a separate set of Pages for WORK and PERSONAL records in the Diary.
    My Specs
    3rd. Mar 10.00 am Mobile Applns World's poor drive growth in global cell phone use
    GENEVA (AP) - Six in 10 people around the world now have cell phone subscriptions, signaling that mobile phones are the communications technology of choice, particularly in poor countries, according to a U.N. report published Monday. By the end of last year there were an estimated 4.1 billion subscriptions globally, compared with about 1 billion in 2002, the International Telecommunication Union said. "There has been a clear shift to mobile cellular telephony," the agency said, noting that developing countries now account for about two-thirds of cell phones in use. Internet use more than doubled. An estimated 23 percent of people on the planet used the Internet last year, up from 11 percent in 2002. Poor countries still lag far behind on Internet access, with only one in 20 people in Africa going online in 2007 - the most recent year for which firm figures were available. The Geneva-based agency recorded the sharpest rise in mobile broadband subscriptions. The technology, which allows users to access the Web at high speed with mobile devices, was available to 3 percent of people worldwide, increasing to 14 percent in developed countries. The 106-page report also ranked countries according to how advanced their use of information and communications technology, or ICT, is. Sweden came first, followed by South Korea, Denmark came third, ahead of the Netherlands, Iceland and Norway. Small, densely populated countries such as Luxembourg (7) and Hong Kong (11) also did well, while large developing countries like China (73) and India (118) were hampered by the size of their populations. The United States was 17th out of 154. "Despite significant improvements in the developing world, the gap between the ICT haves and have-notes remains," the report found. The report said the global economic recession would likely affect the development of telecommunications technology around the world.

    "In terms of consumer demand and uptake, there will probably be a little bit of slowdown in the growth, but we are not expecting any decline," the report said. "People who have a mobile phone are unlikely to give up on it."
    MyWay Report
    3rd. Mar 9.00 am NHS Clinique sells 'even better' which is a 'skin tone corrector' for lightening dark spots on the skin.
    For Diabetes I need to be aware of the sugar level in things I eat and drink.
    A 10 oz glass of Beer has 5 grams of sugar, and a small glass of wine has 2 grams.
    The phone number for the Sunset Pharmacy is 01784-452-549.
    even better
    Sunset Pharmacy
    3rd. Mar 8.45 am Salesforce Prepare a handout for my meeting with Monty at 11.00 am on Thursday, March 6th.
    1. Presentation of SMPL with Ward Maps.
    5. Find Schema for Salesforce Standard Objects and define Data Platform.
    5.1 Introduction for Data Architects
    5.2 Introduction for Microsoft Developers (with ASP.Net background)
    6. Is Salesforce active in the Middle East
    7. Discuss my 4-Point View and identify if it could be useful to Salesforce.
    8. Is it true that there is a big gap after Metada-driven Applications that could be filled by an Application Generator or Interpretor - such as Barry's ideas on Data Dictionary-driven Enquiries,Reports and GUIs.
    9. My Mission Statement is to define, design and build Enterprise Data Platforms - esp. for Salesforce and SQL Server 2008, along with BP for Data Mapping, Cleansing, Migration, MDM, CMI and so on.
    Architecture (pdf)
    2nd. Mar 7.00 pm
    Westfield My wife and I went for our regular Friday trip to the Westfield Shopping Mall in West London, which has 100's of shops and 50 Restaurants.
    We had a great time - we met up for lunch, which was Vietnamese for me (including Weasel Coffee) and Lebanese for my wife. Then I bought some very expensive cocolates, (at �1 a time) from Mary Chocolatier of Belgium, who (they told us), is listed in the Book called '1001 Things to Do Before You Die'.
    Hollister told me the largest jeans they sell have a 36" waist - so I'll have to keep on losing weight - but even then I don't think I will be in their 20-30 target age range.
    Mary Chocolate
    Comptoir Lebanais
    Pho Vietnamese
    2nd. Mar 8.00 pm Salesforce Freelance Developers available through the Developer Community Board, including Richard Clarke in NZ whose email is nzsales (at),
    and Sandeep at sandeepb (at) - which looks good and has an Area Code which puts their "Sales Team" in Allentown, Pennsylvania.
    Mansa has offices in the US, UK, China and India,
    Tracey with email - smoore10000 (at)
    Developer 1
    Developer 1 Web Site
    Acute Edge
    FuseIT in NZ
    1st. Mar 10.00 am Salesforce Draft Notes for meeting with Monty at 11.00 am on Thursday, March 6th.
    1. Presentation of SMPL with Ward Maps.
    5. Find Schema for Salesforce Standard Objects and define Data Platform.
    5.1 Introduction for Data Architects
    5.2 Introduction for Microsoft Developers (with ASP.Net background)
    6. Is Salesforce active in the Middle East
    7. Discuss my 4-Point View and identify if it could be useful to Salesforce.
    8. Is it true that there is a big gap after Metada-driven Applications that could be filled by an Application Generator or Interpretor - such as Barry's ideas on Data Dictionary-driven Enquiries,Reports and GUIs.
    9. My Mission Statement is to define, design and build Enterprise Data Platforms - esp. for Salesforce and SQL Server 2008, along with BP for Data Mapping, Cleansing, Migration, MDM, CMI and so on.
    Architecture (pdf)
    28th. Feb 11.30 am Salesforce Salesforce announced the Winners of their Developer Challenge.
    I didn't win, but then, I didn't expect too.

    Here's a good profile of from EDL Consulting is the enterprise cloud computing company.
    The company's portfolio of SaaS applications, including its award-winning CRM, has revolutionized the ways that customers manage and share business information over the Internet. The company�s PaaS enables customers, developers and partners to build powerful on-demand applications that deliver the benefits of multi-tenancy across the enterprise. Applications built on the platform, can be easily shared, exchanged and installed with a few simple clicks via's AppExchange marketplace.

    The EDL Consulting Mission Statement states :-
    "EDL Consulting solves complex system integration issues by integrating e-Commerce, CRM BI Platforms to generate revenue and trim costs."
    EDL Consulting
    SF Best Visual Site
    SF Best Technical Site
    SF Most Innovative Site
    27th. Feb 8.30 pm TV (USA) We often watch Jon Stewart's Daily Show on More 4.
    Tonight his guest was Brian Williams who was very smart, articulate and funny, and has a Blog called 'The Daily Nightly'.
    Daily Nightly Blog
    Daily Show
    27th. Feb 4.00 pm Diabetes In the morning I went to UCL Hospital for a Retinal Screening related to my previous Diabetes borderline situation. Here's what the Click for large imageRetinal Screening Image looks like.

    I had lunch at Pret-a-Manger on Totteham Court Road, near Goodge Street Station.
    My first dessert was Lemon Cheescake which was 23g of sugar, and my second, on the train home, was Blackcurrent Cheesecake, which I have to assume was also 23k.
    WOW !!!
    Pret Lemon Cheesecake
    Retinal Screening Image
    27th. Feb 8.30 am eLearning Maybe I will sign up for MA in eLearning at the Open University, especially to get hands-on experience with Moodle. Open University (OU) OU MA in eLearning
    27th. Feb 8.00 am Work I created a new email as Bobby Caldwell for Jobs - Data Analyst, Data Model, Data Architect etc. -
    27th. Feb 7.00 am Work A while ago, I talked briefly to Andy at CADLine, an Autodesk Partner, and promised to drop my CV in to his office in Gresham Road. Cadline
    Gresham Road Office
    25th. Feb 8.00 pm AirAsia Air Asia has opened in London, offering cheap flighst to KL, Malaysia.
    They also have a Mobile version of their Web Site which is interesting to look at for my
    AirAsia (Mobile)
    24th. Feb 9.00 am 2DoList 1. DONE - Yesterday I Emailed Patrick for second payment of $350
    2. DONE - Cost of Salesforce Certification is �2,000 for 4 days.
    3. DONE - I emailed Hong Kong Jeweller to confirm DB for $500
    4. DONE - Cost of Watch Voice Recorder is �100 from Spycatcher, in Selfridges or Portman Square.
    5. Find Schema for Salesforce Standard Objects and define Data Platform to discuss with Monty on Friday, March 6th, in Staines.
    6. Email Brian about working in the Middle East.
    7. Email Croydon PCT to 'Express an Interest' in the DB Application for their Stop Smoking Service
    8. Find cost of one-day Course on Presentation Techniques at 'Selling is Just a Conversation',(SIJAC).
    9. Complete Paper for Brunei
    10. Update Paper for Steve Hoberman
    11. Letters from Ealing.
    12. Email Ron Pritchard at Haringey about Mobile working and SMPL/BMEWS
    13. Check out Reach for volunteering for N.
    14. Check out Global IT Assessment from Blue Phoenix et al.
    15. Think about Quit Corporate America.
    Blue Phoenix Global IT
    Croydon PCT
    Quit Corporate America
    Watch Voice Recorder
    24th. Feb 8.00 am Internet Music I am FunkyDBA on, and "What you won't do for Love" is a great track by Bobby Caldwell
    Spotify is a new free music Web Site, where the play a 15-second commercial every 30 minutes.
    Bobby Caldwell on
    23rd. Feb 10.00 pm Tim's Diary Tim has developed a Data Entry Page and a Display Page. Tim's Data Entry Page
    Tim's Diary Display
    22nd. Feb 7.30 pm
    PwC Contact details for Juliette - phone 0161 245 2573, email juliette.coleman (at)  
    22nd. Feb 7.00 pm
    Westfield My wife and I went for our regular Friday trip to the Westfield Shopping Mall in West London, which has 100's of shops and 50 Restaurants.
    We had a great time, with lunch at a Lebanese place called Comptoir Lebanais, followed by Skinny Cafe Macchiato and White Chocolate Cake at Butlers Chocolate Cafe.
    Butlers Choc Cafe
    Comptoir Lebanais
    Dorset Cereals
    22nd. Feb 5.00 pm Internet Radio I came across an Internet radio station called Soul Patrol playing great Funk - it's a good companion to my daily Southern Soul Radio Soul-Patrol
    Southern Soul Radio Live
    22nd. Feb 8.30 am Salesforce Checked out the Salesforce Objects and produced a definition of the Data Platform for migration and/or access in ODBC to my BMEWS Reporting System. Salesforce ERD
    RBW ERD OBjects
    21st. Feb 11.00 am eBook I drafted an eBook Tutorial for the Me and Mommy Data Model from the Cradle to the Grave.  
    20th. Feb 9.00 am Salesforce I need to find Data Integration Partners, by Community | Search "Data Integration Partners". Here are some options :-
  • Apatar
  • Denodo (???)
  • Informatica (enterpise-level)
  • Talend (Open Source)
  • Presentation 1
    Presentation 2
    20th. Feb 9.00 am Online Diary I need Data Integration Tools which provide an Enterprise Data Platform.
    I like "Enterprise Data Mashups", which provides real-time data integration for structured data, unstructured information and Web sources.
    Denodo has an interesting offering in this space.

    From Bloor's comments on Denodo :-
    "Disparate data sources can then be normalised and related using common metadata and semantics. The product supports Power users, who work in VQL (virtual query language), which is extended SQL and End users, who use the Query Builder, which is a 4GL-like environment on top of VQL.
    The resulting "data mashups" can be exposed as SOA data services.
    Bloor on Denodo
    20th. Feb 8.30 am Blue State Digital I left a Comment on the new version of the Blue State Digital Web Site, saying :-
    I prefer the old style Home Page.
    It was very striking and eye-catching.
    I kept going back to it every day just to think about how smart it was to be 'sticky'.
    I was about to email the Web Link to my coleagues but then it was gone !!!
    The new version is OK but does not stand out from the crowd.
    One of the best features of the old version was, for example, 'What do I want' was right there in your face with listed options and was an obvious place to start.
    The new version has 'Your Objectives' but it is just one of a number of equal items in the top navigation bar.
    It would be great if you could have the old version available somewhere for people like me to look at.
    Is that possible ?

    Thanks a lot.

    London, England
    Blue State Digital
    17th. Feb 1.30 pm GUI Buttons DON'T LOSE THIS - free Button Generator from GUIStuff. GUI Button Generator
    17th. Feb 8.30 am Mbl Appns Think about dba_diary.mbl, or
    Nokia has established 'Ovi', which is an Online Store of Mobile Applications that can be downloaded.
    Ovi Online Appns
    17th. Feb 8.00 am 2DoList 1. Meet Steve Hoberman at 5.30 pm
    2. Call John Holmes to arrange greeting msg.
    3. Complete Annual Return
    4. Brunei
    5. Ealing
    6. Contact Gov 3
    7. Sign up with Microsoft for Startup Zone and as Partner in Mobile Applications
    8. Email Professor in Egypt about visit and talks,(ditto Yale and Berkeley)
    9. Think about getting Arabic cards for my Development Manager.
    10. Maybe call BrainEngine and Wi5.
    Gov 3
    16th. Feb 9.00 pm Muslim Women An interesting article in todays' Herald Tribune reports on a Conference in KL, Malaysia about Muslim women's rights. It was organised by Zainah Anwar, head of a Malaysian women's rights group called Sisters in Islam.
    Participants came from 47 countries and included :-
  • Isobel Coleman, senior fellow at the US Council on Foreign Relations
  • Marwa Sharafeldin from Egypt.
  • Nasr Abu Zayd of Egypt
  • Ziba Mir-Hosseini from Iran

    Notable Islam intellectuals include :-
  • Nars Abu Zayd of Egypt
  • Abdolkarim Soroush of Iran

    Academics include :-
  • Bernard Haykel, an expert on Islamic Law at Princeton University
  • Elaheh Koolaee, a Professor from the University of Tehran
  • Ziba Mir Hosseini
  • Herald Tribune Article
    Sisters in Islam (English)
    Sisters in Islam (Malay)
    Sisters in Islam (Wikipdia)
    Bernard Haykel
    Isobel Coleman
    Nasr Abu Zayd
    Zainah Anwar (Wikipedia)
    Ziba Mir Hosseini
    16th. Feb 8.30 pm Web Site Design Obama made great use of the Internet, which was masterminded by Blue State Digital, who had a very well-designed Web Design, until they changed it.
    Yesterday I passed by the offices of First Intuition in London, who provide training for Accountants. They have a good Web Site, which is simple, good to look at, and was designed by KD Web. SquareSpace is worth a look for building Blogs.
    Blue State Digital
    First Intuition
    KD Web
    Square Space
    16th. Mar 8.00 pm
    My_Weight My_Weight Competition
    - B to get down to 91.8 by March 24th and 90.8 by 31st.
    - C to get down to 68.4 by March 24th. and 68.0 by 31st.
    If both success or both fail, then nobody pays anybody anything.
    Otherwise, If C succeeds, then B pays her �50 and if B succeeds then C gives him �25.
    Result - B was 92.0 kg which was OK but not a winning weight.
    N was 69.0 kg which she thought was not OK, and was not a winning weight.
    Therefore no money changed hands and we declared a one-week suspension of all discussion and checks on our weight.
    28th. June 10.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 90.6 kg (same as yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) 70.0 kg (---)
    27th. June 10.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 90.6 kg (same as yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) --.- kg (---)
    26th. June 10.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 90.6 kg (down 0.4 since yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) --.- kg (---)
    25th. June 10.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 91.0 kg (down 0.2 since yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) 70.0 kg (---)
    24th. June 10.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 91.2 kg (up 0.6 since yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) --.- kg (---)
    23rd. June 10.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 90.6 kg (same as yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) --.- kg (---)
    22nd. June 10.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 90.6 kg (down 0.4 since yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) --.- kg (---)
    21st. June 10.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 91.0 kg (down 0.4 kg since yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) --.- kg (---)
    20th. June 9.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 91.4 kg (down 0.8 kg since yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) 70.0 kg (---)
    19th. June 9.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home, before Bicester) 92.2 kg (down 0.2 kg since yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) 70.0 kg (---)
    18th. June 9.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 92.4 kg (same as yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) 70.0 kg (---)
    31st. May 9.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 94.0 kg (down 1 kg since yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) --.- kg (---)
    30th. May 9.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 95.0 kg (up 1 kg since yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) 70.0 kg (---)
    28th. May 9.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 94.2 kg (same for the past few days)
    N's Weight (at home) 69.8 kg (ditto)
    24th. May 10.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 94.2 kg (down -.- kg since yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) ??.? kg (down ?.? kg since yesterday)
    20th. May 8.30 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 93.2 kg (down 0.2 kg since yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) 69.6 kg (down 0.2 kg since yesterday)
    19th. May 8.30 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 93.4 kg (same as yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) 69.8 kg (up 0.2 kg since yesterday)
    18th. May 9.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 93.4 kg (down 0.6 kg since yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) 69.6 kg
    17th. May 8.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 94.0 kg (same as yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) --.- kg
    16th. May 8.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 94.0 kg (up 0.2 kg since yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) --.- kg
    15th. May 8.00 am
    My Weight Visited Westfield and had Veal Escalope at Sphaghetti House
    My Weight (at home) 93.8 kg (down 0.4 kg since yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) --.- kg
    14th. May 8.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 94.2 kg (up 1.4 kg since yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) 69.4 kg (down 0.2 kg since yesterday)
    13th. May 8.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 92.8 kg (down 1.0 kg since yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) 69.6 kg (up 0.6 kg since yesterday)
    12th. May 8.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 93.8 kg (same as yesterday after wine at Carluccio's in Windsor)
    N's Weight (at home) 70.0 kg (up -.- kg since yesterday)
    11th. May 8.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 93.8 kg (up 0.6 kg since yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) --.- kg (up -.- kg since yesterday)
    10th. May 8.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 93.2 kg (down 1.4 kg since yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) --.- kg (up 0.6 kg since yesterday)
    9th. May 8.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 94.6 kg (up 1.6 kg after yesterday's Yo-Sushi and Microsoft lunch)
    N's Weight (at home) --.- kg (up -.- kg since yesterday)
    8th. May 8.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 93.0 kg (down 0.2 kg since yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) 69.4 kg (up 0.6 kg since yesterday)
    7th. May 8.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 93.2 kg (up 0.2 kg since yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) 69.4 kg (up 0.6 kg since yesterday)
    6th. May 8.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 93.0 kg (down 0.4 kg since yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) 69.4 kg (up 0.6 kg since yesterday)
    5th. May 8.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 93.0 kg (down 0.4 kg since yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) 69.4 kg (up 0.6 kg since yesterday)
    4th. May 9.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 93.4 kg (down -.- kg since yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) 68.8 kg (up -.- kg since yesterday)
    30th. April 8.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 93.2 kg (down 0.2 kg since yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) 69.4 kg (up 0.4 kg since yesterday)
    29th. April 8.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 93.4 kg (up 0.4 kg since yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) 69.0 kg
    28th. April 8.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 93.0 kg (down 0.4 kg since yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) 69.0 kg
    27th. April 8.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 93.4 kg (down 0.8 kg since yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) 68.8 kg (down 0.4 kg since yesterday)
    27th. April 8.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 94.2 kg (up 0.6 kg since yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) 69.2 kg (same as yesterday)
    25th. April 7.30 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 93.6 kg (same as yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) 69.2 kg (up 0.2 kg since yesterday)
    24th. April 10.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 93.6 kg (same as yesterday even after Microsoft in Victora)
    N's Weight (at home) 69.0 kg (down 0.4 kg since yesterday)
    23rd. April 7.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 93.6 kg (down 0.6 kg since yesterday even after 2 glasses of Vin Santo)
    N's Weight (at home) 69.4 kg (up 0.2 kg since yesterday)
    22nd. April 7.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 94.2 kg (up 1.0 kg since yesterday after beers at Itsu)
    N's Weight (at home) 69.2 kg (down 0.2 kg since yesterday)
    21st. April 7.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 93.2 kg (down 0.6 kg since yesterday even after 2 glasses of Vin Santo)
    N's Weight (at home) 69.4 kg (up 0.2 kg since yesterday)
    20th. April 7.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 93.8 kg (up 1.0 kg since Japan Centre yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) 69.2 kg (same as yesterday)
    19th. April 10.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 92.8 kg (up 0.6 kg since Baroosh yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) 69.2 kg (same as yesterday)
    18th. April 11.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 92.2 kg (down 0.2 kg since yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) 69.2 kg (down 0.6 kg since yesterday)
    17th. April 11.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 92.4 kg (down 0.2 kg since yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) 69.8 kg (same as yesterday)
    16th. April 10.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 92.6 kg (down 0.6 kg since yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) 69.8 kg (same as yesterday)
    15th. April 9.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 93.2 kg (up 0.6 kg since yesterday at Westfield)
    N's Weight (at home) 69.8 kg (up 0.4 kg since yesterday)
    14th. April 9.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 92.6 kg (down 0.6 kg since yesterday after Pret by Selfridges)
    N's Weight (at home) 69.4 kg (down 0.2 kg since yesterday)
    13th. April 9.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 93.2 kg (up 0.4 kg since yesterday after Spritzer and Lychee drink)
    N's Weight (at home) 69.6 kg (up 0.2 kg since yesterday)
    12th. April 9.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 93.2 kg (up 0.4 kg since yesterday after Spritzer and Lychee drink)
    N's Weight (at home) 69.4 kg (up 0.2 kg since yesterday)
    11th. April 8.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 92.8 kg (down 0.2 kg since yesterday with continued limited food intake)
    N's Weight (at home) 69.4 kg (up 0.2 kg since yesterday)
    10th. April 6.30 am
    My Weight My Weight (at gym) 92.4 kg (down 0.8 kg since last Friday)
    Workout - 25 minutes Reclining Bike plus Abdominal Crunches, Rear Dips, Gravitron and Coconut Flyes.
    My Weight (at home) 93.0 kg (down 1.4 kg since yesterday after return to limited food intake)
    N's Weight (at home) 69.2 kg (down 0.4 kg since yesterday)
    9th. April 8.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at gym) --.- kg
    Workout - 25 minutes Reclining Bike plus Abdominal Crunches, Rear Dips and Coconut Flyes.
    My Weight (at home) 94.4 kg (up 0.8 kg since yesterday after Westfield)
    N's Weight (at home) 69.6 kg (up 0.2 kg since yesterday)
    8th. April 8.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at gym) --.- kg
    Workout - 25 minutes Reclining Bike plus Abdominal Crunches, Rear Dips and Coconut Flyes.
    My Weight (at home) 93.6 kg (up 1.0 kg since yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) 69.4 kg (up 0.2 kg since yesterday)
    7th. April 6.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at gym) --.- kg
    Workout - 25 minutes Reclining Bike plus Abdominal Crunches, Rear Dips and Coconut Flyes.
    My Weight (at home) 92.6 kg (down 0.2 kg since yesterday)
    Went to Cloudforce in Excel, ate biscuits & drank wine.
    N's Weight (at home) 69.2 kg (down 0.2 kg since yesterday)
    6th. April 8.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at gym) --.- kg
    Workout - 25 minutes Reclining Bike plus Abdominal Crunches, Rear Dips and Coconut Flyes.
    My Weight (at home) 93.0 kg (down 0.2 kg since yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) 69.2 kg (down 0.2 kg since yesterday)
    5th. April 9.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at gym) --.- kg
    Workout - 25 minutes Reclining Bike plus Abdominal Crunches, Rear Dips and Coconut Flyes.
    My Weight (at home) 93.2 kg (up 0.6 kg since yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) 69.2 kg (down 0.2 kg since yesterday)
    4th. April 9.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at gym) --.- kg
    Workout - 25 minutes Reclining Bike plus Abdominal Crunches, Rear Dips and Coconut Flyes.
    My Weight (at home) 92.6 kg (down 0.6 kg since yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) 69.4 kg (same as yesterday)
    3rd. April 9.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at gym) 93.2 kg (up 1.6 kg since Tuesday)
    Workout - 25 minutes Reclining Bike plus Abdominal Crunches, Rear Dips and Coconut Flyes.
    My Weight (at home) 93.2 kg (up 0.8 kg since yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) 69.4 kg (same as yesterday)
    2nd. April 9.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at gym) --.- kg (down 0.6 kg since Saturday)
    Workout - 25 minutes Reclining Bike plus Abdominal Crunches, Rear Dips and Coconut Flyes.
    My Weight (at home) 92.4 kg (up 0.4 kg since yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) 69.4 kg (up 0.4 kg since yesterday)
    1st. April 9.00 am
    My Weight Didn't switch my PC on today because of the threatened Conflictor virus via email.
    My Weight (at gym) --.- kg
    My Weight (at home) -.- kg
    N's Weight (at home) --.- kg
    31st. Mar 9.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at gym) 91.6 kg (same as yesterday)
    Workout - 25 minutes Reclining Bike plus Abdominal Crunches, Rear Dips and Coconut Flyes.
    My Weight (at home) 92.0 kg (down 0.4 kg since yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) 69.0 kg (up 0.2 kg since yesterday)
    30th. Mar 9.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at gym) 91.6 kg (down 0.6 kg since Saturday)
    Workout - 25 minutes Reclining Bike plus Abdominal Crunches, Rear Dips and Coconut Flyes.
    My Weight (at home) 92.4 kg (down 0.2 kg since yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) 68.8 kg (up 0.2 kg since yesterday)
    29th. Mar 9.00 am (British Summer Time)
    My Weight My Weight (at gym) --.- kg
    Workout - No gym - outing to London.
    My Weight (at home) 92.6 kg (down 0.2 kg since yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) 68.6 kg (down 0.4 kg since yesterday)
    28th. Mar 8.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at gym) 92.2 kg (down 0.8 kg since yesterday)
    Workout - 25 minutes Reclining Bike plus Abdominal Crunches, Rear Dips and Coconut Flyes.
    My Weight (at home) 92.8 kg (down 1.0 kg since yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) 69.0 kg (same as yesterday)
    27th. Mar 10.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at gym) 93.0 kg
    Workout - 25 minutes Reclining Bike plus Abdominal Crunches, Rear Dips and Coconut Flyes.
    My Weight (at home) 93.8 kg (up 0.8 kg since yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) 69.0 kg (down 0.4 kg since yesterday)
    26th. Mar 7.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at gym) 92.2 kg
    Workout - 25 minutes Reclining Bike plus Abdominal Crunches, Rear Dips and Coconut Flyes.
    My Weight (at home) 93.0 kg (same as yesterday )
    N's Weight (at home) 69.4 kg (down 0.2 kg since yesterday)
    25th. Mar 7.45 pm
    My Weight My Weight (at gym) --.- kg
    Workout - 25 minutes Reclining Bike plus Abdominal Crunches, Rear Dips and Coconut Flyes.
    My Weight (at home) 93.0 kg (same as yesterday )
    N's Weight (at home) 69.6 kg (down 1.6 kg since yesterday)
    24th. Mar 7.45 pm
    My Weight My Weight (at gym) --.- kg
    Workout - 25 minutes Reclining Bike plus Abdominal Crunches, Rear Dips and Coconut Flyes.
    My Weight (at home) 93.0 kg (same as yesterday )
    N's Weight (at home) 72.2 kg (up 2.8 kg since yesterday)
    23rd. Mar 9.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at gym) --.- kg
    Workout - 25 minutes Reclining Bike plus Abdominal Crunches, Rear Dips and Coconut Flyes.
    Feet NOT on Fire any more.
    My Weight (at home) 92.4 kg (same as yesterday )
    N's Weight (at home) 69.4 kg (up 0.4 kg since yesterday)
    22nd. Mar 9.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at gym) --.- kg
    Workout - 25 minutes Reclining Bike plus Abdominal Crunches, Rear Dips and Coconut Flyes.
    Feet on Fire cured by E45.
    My Weight (at home) 92.4 kg (up 0.2 kg since yesterday - Eggnog ?)
    N's Weight (at home) 69.0 kg (down 0.4 kg since yesterday)
    21st. Mar 9.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at gym) 91.6 kg (same as yesterday)
    Workout - 25 minutes Reclining Bike plus Abdominal Crunches, Rear Dips and Coconut Flyes.
    Feet on Fire last night
    My Weight (at home) 92.2 kg (same as yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) 69.4 kg (up 0.2 kg since yesterday)
    20th. Mar 7.30 am
    My Weight My Weight (at gym) 91.6 kg (up 0.4 kg since yesterday)
    Workout - 25 minutes Reclining Bike plus Abdominal Crunches, Rear Dips and Lats Pull-down.
    My Weight (at home) 92.2 kg (up 0.2 kg since yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) 69.2 kg (same as yesterday)
    19th. Mar 8.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at gym) 91.2 kg (down 0.2 kg since yesterday)
    Workout - 25 minutes Reclining Bike plus Chest Flyes, Shoulder Press, Abdominal Crunches, Rear Dips and Gravitron.
    My Weight (at home) 92.0 kg (down 0.8 kg since yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) 69.2 kg (same as yesterday)
    18th. Mar 9.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at gym) 91.4 kg (down 0.2 kg since yesterday)
    Workout - 25 minutes Reclining plus Abdominal Crunch and Rear Dips.
    My Weight (at home) 92.8 kg (up 0.4 kg since yesterday) - maybe Popcorn at the movies
    N's Weight (at home) 69.2 kg (same as yesterday)
    17th. Mar 7.30 am
    My Weight My Weight (at gym) 91.6 kg (same as yesterday)
    Workout - 25 minutes Reclining plus Abdominal Crunch and Rear Dips.
    My Weight (at home) 92.4 kg (down 0.2 kg since yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) 69.2 kg (up 0.2 kg since yesterday)
    16th. Mar 8.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at gym) 91.6 kg (down 0.2 kg from yesterday)
    Workout - 25 minutes Reclining plus Abdominal Crunch and Rear Dips.
    My Weight (at home) 92.6 kg (up 0.2 kg since yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) 69.0 kg
    15th. Mar 8.30 am
    My Weight My Weight (at gym) 91.8 kg (up 0.6 kg from yesterday)
    My Weight (at home) 92.4 kg (up 0.4 kg since yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) --.- kg
    14th. Mar 8.30 am
    My Weight My Weight (at gym) 91.2 kg (down 0.4 kg from yesterday)
    My Weight (at home) 92.2 kg (same as yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) --.- kg
    13th. Mar 7.30 am
    My Weight My Weight (at gym) 91.6 kg
    My Weight (at home) 92.2 kg (same as yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) 68.8 kg (down 0.4 kg from yesterday)
    12th. Mar 7.30 pm
    My Weight My Weight (at gym) --.- kg
    My Weight (at home) 92.2 kg (up 1.0 kg from yesterday)
    My Weight (at hospital) 92.7 kg (with clothes on but no shoes)
    Blood Pressure 134/78 (sitting) and 134/72 (standing) - Blood Sugar 5.7 (instant in Dr.'s office)
    N's Weight (at home) 69.4 kg (same as yesterday)
    11th. Mar 7.30 am
    My Weight My Weight (at gym) 90.4 kg (down 0.6 kg since yesterday)
    My Weight (at home) 91.2 kg (down 0.2 kg from yesterday) - 26.5 %
    N's Weight (at home) 69.4 kg (same as yesterday)
    10th. Mar 4.00 pm
    My Weight My Weight (at gym) 91.0 kg = 200 lbs. = 14 st. 4 lbs. (down 0.2 kg since Sunday)
    My Weight (at home) 91.4 kg (down 0.8 kg from yesterday) - 27.0 %
    N's Weight (at home) 69.4 kg (down 0.2 from yesterday)
    9th. Mar 8.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at gym) --.- kg
    My Weight (at home) 92.2 kg (up 0.4 kg from yesterday) - 27.0 %
    N's Weight (at home) 69.6 kg (same as yesterday)
    8th. Mar 8.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at gym) 91.2 kg (same as yesterday)
    My Weight (at home) 91.8 kg (up 0.6 kg from yesterday) - 27.0 %
    N's Weight (at home) 69.6 kg (up 0.4 since yesterday)
    7th. Mar 6.00 am
    My Weight I lost 1.0 Kg since yesterday after a Cook Fisherman's Pie for dinner last night and felt normal going to bed. Today was Momo for lunch and countdown to Dr.Luncken at 1.45 pm on Thursday, when I should be 90.something kg.
    My Weight (at gym) 91.2 kg (up 0.2 kg since Thursday)
    My Weight (at home) 91.2 kg (down 1.0 kg from yesterday) - 25.5 %
    N's Weight (at home) 69.2 kg (same as yesterday)
    6th. Mar 8.30 am
    My Weight I gained 0.6 Kg since yesterday after a great dinner of Cajun Stew (with a second helping) and felt fine going to bed.
    My Weight (at gym) --.- kg
    My Weight (at home) 92.2 kg (up 0.6 Kg from yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) 69.2 kg (same as yesterday)
    5th. Mar 7.00 am
    My Weight I lost 0.2 Kg since yesterday after just a small bowl of Muesli for dinner in the evening - then went to sleep with Magic Oil.
    My Weight (at gym) 91.0 kg
    My Weight (at home) 91.6 kg (down 0.2 Kg from yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) 69.2 kg (down 0.2 kg since yesterday)
    4th. Mar 7.00 am
    My Weight Today stomach was a lot better so I had just a small bowl of Muesli for dinner in the evening - but went to sleep without a hotwater bottle.
    My Weight (at gym) --.- kg
    My Weight (at home) 91.8 kg (down 0.6 Kg from yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) 69.4 kg (same as yesterday)
    3rd. Mar 8.30 am
    My Weight I went down 0.2 Kg since yesterday even though we had an outing to Westfield. Maybe because my stomach was very upset in the evening and I had just a small bowl of Muesli for dinner in the evening - with a hotwater bottle for comfort.
    My Weight (at gym) --.- kg
    My Weight (at home) 92.4 kg (down 0.2 Kg from yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) 69.4 kg
    2nd. Mar 7.00 am
    My Weight I weighed in at 92.6 Kg which was the same as yesterday even though I had a 'sugar rush' in the morning, with Coconut juice, Duchy biscuits and so on, then my stomach felt bad yeterday, so I had Muesli for dinner in the evening and had a hotwater bottle for comfort.
    My Weight (at gym) --.- kg
    My Weight (at home) 92.6 kg (same as yesterday)
    N's Weight (at home) 68.8 kg
    1st. Mar 9.00 am My Weight Today was our Target date for achieving our target weights - or coming number 1 !!!
    I weighed in at 92.6 Kg which was OK, so now I can rest for 2 days and start again with the aim of losing a little more before I meet the Consultant on Thursday of next week, on March 12th. at 1.45 pm - 88 Kg would be great but probably not feasible.
    My Weight (at gym) 92.6 kg
    My Weight (at home) 92.6 kg (down 0.4 since yesterday)
    N's weight 69.0 so she won �30
    27th. Feb 4.00 pm My Weight I had lunch at Pret on Totteham Court Road, near Googde Street Station.
    My first dessert was Lemon Cheescake which was 23g of sugar, and my second, on the train home, was Blackcurrent Cheesecake, which I can assume was also 22k WOW !!!
    My Weight (at gym) --.- kg
    My Weight (at home) 93.0 kg at 8.00 am (up 0.4 since yesterday)
    My Weight (at hospital) 94.0 kg (with clothes on but no shoes)
    27th. Feb 8.00 am My Weight My Weight (at gym) --.- kg
    My Weight (at home) 93.0 kg (up 0.4 since yesterday)
    26th. Feb 8.00 am My Weight My Weight (at gym) --.- kg
    My Weight (at home) 92.6 kg
    25th. Feb 8.00 am My Weight My Weight (at gym) 91.8 kg
    My Weight (at home) 92.6 kg
    24th. Feb 8.00 am My Weight My Weight (at gym) 92.4 kg (same as yesterday)
    My Weight (at home) 93.0 kg (same as yesterday)
    23rd. Feb 8.00 am My Weight My Weight (at exercise clinic) 93.0 kg (clothes on but no shoes)
    Blood Pressure 132/75 (WOW)
    Blood Sugar/Glucose 5.6 (was 7 in November)

    My Weight (at gym) 92.4 kg
    My Weight (at home) 93.0 kg
    22nd. Feb 8.00 am My Weight My Weight (at gym) 92.8 kg
    My Weight (at home) 93.4 kg (same as yesterday)
    21st. Feb 8.00 am My Weight My Weight (at gym) 92.4 kg
    My Weight (at home) 93.4 kg (up again after lunch at Westfield yesterday)
    20th. Feb 8.00 am My Weight My Weight (at gym) --.- kg
    My Weight (at home) 92.6 kg (down 0.8 Kg since yesterday)
    19th. Feb 8.00 am My Weight My Weight (at gym) --.- kg
    My Weight (at home) 93.4 kg
    17th. Feb 8.00 am My Weight My Weight (at gym) 93.0 kg
    My Weight (at home) 93.6 kg (gone up by 0.4 Kg since yesterday)
    16th. Feb 9.00 am My Weight My Weight (at exercise clinic) 93.5 kg (clothes on but no shoes)
    Blood Pressure 134/71 (WOW)
    Blood Sugar/Glucose 5.3 (was 7 in November)

    My Weight (at gym) --.- kg
    My Weight (at home) 93.2 kg
    15th. Feb 9.00 am My Weight My Weight (at gym) 93.2 kg
    My Weight (at home) 93.8 kg (up 0.2 Kg since yesterday)
    14th. Feb 12 noon My Weight My Weight (at gym) 92.8 kg
    My Weight (at home) 93.6 kg
    13th. Feb 8.00 am My Weight My Weight (at gym) --.- kg
    My Weight (at home) 93.8 kg
    12th. Feb 7.00 am My Weight My Weight (at gym) 93.2 kg
    My Weight (at home) 94.4 kg (up 1.0 Kg since yesterday - maybe 3 glasses of Pino Grigio at Carluccio's)
    11th. Feb 8.30 am My Weight My Weight (at gym) no Gym today --- kg
    My Weight (at home) 93.4 kg (back down 1.0 Kg since yesterday)
    10th. Feb 7.00 am My Weight My Weight (at gym) 93.6 kg
    My Weight (at home) 94.4 kg (up 1.0 Kg since yesterday)
    9th. Feb 4.00 pm
    My Weight My Weight (at gym) 93.0 kg
    My Weight (at home) 93.4 kg (down 0.8 Kg since yesterday)
    8th. Feb 7.30 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 94.2 kg (up 0.6 Kg since yesterday)  
    7th. Feb 9.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at gym) 93.4 kg
    My Weight (at home) 93.6 kg
    5th. Feb 7.30 am
    My Weight My Weight (at Gym) 93.6 kg
    My Weight (at home) 94.2 kg - down by 0.2 Kg since the last time after no dinner last night.
    3rd. Feb 10.30 pm
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 94.4 kg - up by 0.4 Kg since yesterday after substantial meal last night, even though it was Cajun Stew.  
    3rd. Feb 7.30 am
    My Weight My Weight (at gym) 93.2 kg
    My Weight (at home) 94.0 kg - up by 0.2 Kg since yesterday but NBD (No Big Deal)
    2nd. Feb 9.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at gym) 93.2 kg
    My Weight (at home) 93.8 kg (* for skipped dinner last night)
    1st. Feb 9.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 94.2 kg (* for skipped dinner last night)  
    1st. Feb 8.30 am
    My Online Diary My Weight (at home) 94.2 kg (* for skipped dinner last night)  
    31st. Jan 9.00 pm
    My Weight My Weight (at Gym) 93.6 kg  
    31st. Jan 7.30 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) 94.6 kg (* for skipped dinner last night)  
    29th. Jan 8.30 am
    My Weight My weight in the Gym and at home are usually different, and I weigh 1 kilo more at home.
    My Weight (at gym) Thursday 93.6 Kg
    My Weight (at home) Thursday 94.4 Kg
    28th. Jan 10.00 pm
    My Weight My Weight (at home) Wednesday 95.0 Kg  
    27th. Jan 9.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at home) Tuesday 95.4 Kg  
    26th. Jan 7.00 am
    My Weight My Weight (at the Gym) Monday 95.4 Kg  
    14th. Feb 10.00 am 2DoList 1. Call John Holmes to arrange greeting msg.
    2. Contact Gov 3
    3. Sign up with Microsoft for Startup Zone and as Partner in Mobile Applications
    4. Email Professor in Egypt about visit and talks,(ditto Yale and Berkeley)
    5. Think about getting Arabic cards for my Development Manager.
    6. Maybe call BrainEngine and Wi5.
    Gov 3
    14th. Feb 11.30 pm SQL Here's a Click for larger image very cute kitten who looks just like Rubble. Cute Kitten
    14th. Feb 16.00 pm Social Applications I am using Ning for my Database Answers Community, and here is a Toolkit called Zembly for building Social Applications to meet your own requirements.
    Maybe Norlia will find it useful for her new Project.
    Zembly Book
    Zembly's Blog
    Zembly's Wikipedia
    14th. Feb 15.30 pm Ref Data Here's my current page on Reference Data on my Reference Data
    14th. Feb 9.30 am Online Diary I saw an article in yesterday's Telegraph about voice-to-text for the Internet provided by SpinVox. That could be very useful for me because I spend too much time typing entries for my Online Diary. SpinVox (UK)
    14th. Feb 9.00 am GeekSquad Yesterday, I installed the beta version of the new Google Chrome Web Browser - BIG MISTAKE.
    It hijacked all my Internet shortcuts, didn't work properly, didn't uninstall properly and hid all shortcuts to Microsoft Internet Explorer.
    Whatever happened to their slogan of "Do no evil" ?
    I called the GeekSquad, and spoke to a very helpful and knowledgeable guy called 'Agent Hall' whio was able to help me right away by getting rid of Chrome and reinstating Internet Explorer.
    Geek Squad (UK)
    13th. Feb 10.00 am Obama President Obama made extensive use of the Internet in his successful bid to become President, with the help of Blue State Digital, which has a beatifully designed Web Site Blue State Digital
    13th. Feb 8.30 am Online Diary I have been filling in my Diary for the past few days and I realise that typing takes a long time and is tedious.
    An article in yesterday's Guardian IT Supplement describes a number of different possibilities for Voice-to-Text Dipity.
    12th. Feb 11.30 pm Online Diary Today's Telegraph says you can easily create a Timeline of your Life using Dipity. Dipity
    12th. Feb 6.30 am SQL MySQL is launching Drizzle for Cloud Computing. Elance has a Blog on MySQL, which includes a beautiful ERD in blue. Click for larger image
    I will look into creating a similar diagram for some of the Data Model diagrams in my Tutorials. Click for larger image
    Drizzle from MySQL
    Elance and MySQL
    ERD in Blue
    Products for Amazon and Starbucks
    12th. Feb 6.15 am Tutorial N8tive has a link to W3Schools, which offers free Tutorials on Web Design, including one on SQL. SQL Tutorial
    12th. Feb 6.00 am Aquarium Shop Yesterday I called in at the Aquarium Store in Great Portland Street, London W1 to see if my Database could help them. They belong to a Trade organisation called OATA.
    Their Web Site is very well designed by a company called N8tive.
    Aquatic Design
    11th. Feb 10.30 pm Middle East The Management Forum is meeting in the Middle East. Mgt Forum Middle East
    11th. Feb 8.30 pm Social Networks
    Acceptance of the TM Forum Information Framework (SID) validates industry need for a single Common Information Model.
    Press Release

    Blink it
    Digg This Story
    Furl it
    My Yahoo
    Simpy This
    Stumble Upon
    10th. Feb 9.30 am Embarcadero I registered for a free Workshop about RAD and Model-Driven development on Feb 18th. (week on Wednesday). from 10.00am to 4.30 pm at The Old Sessions House, 22 Clerkenwell Green, Islington, London EC1R (Farringdon Tube).
    This will enhance my Delphi skills investment with Embarcadero's RAD Studio 2009.
    Here's the Agenda :-
    09:30 Registration
    10:00 Intro & Welcome
    10:20 RAD Studio 2009 - Native Windows and .NET
    11:15 Tea & Coffee
    11:30 Migrating Applications - Five things you should know
    12:30 Buffet Lunch
    13:30 Bridging the gap between application and database while developing
    14:30 Tea & Coffee
    14:45 Code and data modeling with RAD Studio 2009
    15:15 .NET development with Delphi Prism
    16:00 Summary / Q&A
    16:30 Close
    RAD Studio 2009
    10th. Feb 8.30 am 2DoList Priorities :-
  • DONE - Look for Ref Data for US Counties and States.
  • DONE - Tell Mark Jewett about the new SQL Server 2008 Data Model.
  • DONE - Tell Mark Jewett about Norlia's appointment as Bus Dev Mgr.(check on
    1. Check with Andi for adding Flickr.
    2. Check response from Tim abt MyDiary in Microsoft.
    3. Update my CV
    4. Draft letters for Ealing.
    5. Draft Future Paper for Ealing - Cloud Computing and Collaboration.
    6. Complete draft of Paper for Brunei (where is it ?)
    7. Sign up as a Partner with Salesforce and Microsoft.
    8. Look for Ref Data for TimeZones.
    9. Draft a note about Dr.Vannevar Bush and his Paper "As We May Think"
    10. Check on follow up to call to Brian on 00-1-713-965-4098 at BrainEngine in Houston (Jeff Dunham's recommendation) to discuss ODBC to access Salesforce data from
  • Dr.Bush's Bio
    Dr.Bush's Paper
    10th. Feb 8.00 am Salesforce Listen to Webinar on Data Architecture on Thursday, Feb 12th. at 6.00 pm (UK time).
    I have a revised Strategy :-
    1. Stick with the Developer Edition.
    Then I can postpone questions about whether I need Sites to let Users use my Online Diary Application without authorised Access.
    2. Postpone adding a Login.
    3. Target SF Users and use the SF Login.
    4. Create Data Model for SF Objects and my Custom Objects.
    5. Add Mobile working.
    6. Position my Online Diary as a Universal Data Access Portal for SF Users.
    7. Look at Data Integration (eg CMI, Single View, Spreadsheets) - with cheap solution and Informatica at the top-end.
    Developer Edition
    V'Force on Blackberry
    10th. Feb 7.30 am Music Afer finding that I seem to have put on a kilo overnoght, I switch on my laptop and tune into my favourite Radio Station, which is Southern Soul Radio, in Jackson, Miissippee and find myself listening to Southern Soul Party by Floyd Taylor, (son of the famous Johnnie Taylor) Floyd Taylor on Malaco
    Floyd Taylor on MySpace
    Johnny Taylor Wikipedia
    Soul of the Net
    Soul of the Net Funk
    Southern Soul Radio
    9th. Feb 5.30 pm Salesforce The choice of Edition doesn't seem straightforward.
    A sensible strategy would be to use the Developer edition for prototyping,
    and then one of the editions (perhaps One - App User License) for deployment of the application. Mobile working might limit the choices.
    Developer Edition
    Edition Comparison
    V'Force on Blackberry
    9th. Feb 5.00 pm NHS Appts Appointments Line : 0845-60-88-88-8
    11.30 am February 27th 2009 Retinal Screening.
      1.45 pm March 12th. Dr.Lunken, Clinic J.
    9th. Feb 4.30 pm NHS Contacts Contacts :-
    Appointments Line : 0845-60-88-88-8
    Cardiovascular Health & Rehabiliation Centre - 0207-380-9951
    Catherine Lunken at
    Prof. Bettridge Secretary - 0207-380-9336
    Hospital 93024145
    Clinic J Reception 0845-155-000 (wrong number), Ext. 73147 - Ann Groom.
    UCL Hospital
    UCL Hospital Photo
    8th. Feb 10.30 am
    Career Options 1. Open Source with Access, (eg OpenGate).
    2. Partner with IBM and Microsoft for Local Government, BNEWS (SMPL) and SouthWestOne.
    3. Sign up as Associate Consultant with Gov 3.
    Gov 3
    IBM and SouthWestOne
    8th. Feb 10.00 am
    Local Gov't Good consulting companies to check out are Global 360, and Gov 3.
    The IDeA Site is a good example of Tabs outside Salesforce.
    Finally, SouthWestOne is certainly worth a look, where IBM is involved, and NACO, the US National Association of Counties.
    Global 360
    Gov 3
    US Nat'l Ass'n of Counties
    8th. Feb 9.00 am Open Source I must look into Open Source for Access, after I sw a sponsored link for OpenGate on my ClustrMap for my Data Models page. Open Gate
    7th. Feb 4.00 pm
    HostMySite My Web Site is down again, for the second time in two days.
    I called HostMySite on 001-1-302-731-4948 and spoke to Michael and ten minutes later Peter. They were not particularly helpful and tried to blame me !!!
    Technical Support
    7th. Feb 9.00 am
    Azure Maybe I will sign up for Microsoft's Azure 'in the Clouds' rather than do my own.
    I tried to register but no indication whether I succeeeded as
    Application ID: 000000004000B7B0
    Secret key is RKhym8llIC3JtuRfcvSy45uMAfoEDFV4 / info at
    Azure Data Svcs
    Azure Incubator
    Azure SQL Services
    Azure Rptng Svcs
    My Dashboard
    6th. Feb 5.30 pm
    Steve Hoberman 5.30 pm on Tuesday, Feb 17th. in the Washington Mayfair Hotel, 5 Curzon Street. Mayfair,
    London. W1J 5HE : Phone 0207-499-7000.
    Directions : Green Park Tube, cross over, turn left, walk up Half Moon St to Curzon Street and it's there
    Washington Mayfair Hotel
    6th. Feb 8.30 am
    Music Two of my favourite Internet Radio Stations are Bobby Caldwell on and Southern Soul Radio from Jackson, Mississippee. Bobby Caldwell on
    Southern Soul Radio
    5th. Feb 9.45 pm
    Salesforce ODBC Visokio (located in Chelsea, London) offers an ODBC product for . ODBC for Salesforce
    5th. Feb 9.30 pm
    MVC Wikipedia has a useful article on the Model-View-Controller Application Architecture. Wikipedia on MVC
    5th. Feb 5.00 pm
    Blogs I should make a list of Blogs worth monitoring, starting with Loraine Lawson. Loraine Lawson's blog
    5th. Feb 7.30 am
    Salesforce Lunch at Carluccio's in Windsor, using a 2-for-1 Voucher from the Internet.
    I registered for a Webinar on the Data Architecture.
    1. On Thursday, February 12, 2009 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM PST, join the webinar "Multitenant Magic: Under the Covers of the the Data Architecture. Details are as follows :-
    To Join the conference call:
  • Dial: 8888845895
  • International Number: 7066439388
  • Access Code: 399528
  • Webinar ID: 654-009-740
  • Use the following link: Webinar ID: 654-009-740
  • 2. Dial in to the conference call using this number:
    (888) 884-5895 (US), +706 643-9388 (International), access code 399528
  • Register for GoToMeeting
    Join the Webinar
    5th. Feb 7.30 am
    SQL Server 2008 I have downloaded SQL Server 2008, (all 560Mb of it) and will install it, after checking for any potential problems with SQL Server 2005. SQL Server 2008 Express
    4th. Feb 8.30 pm
    Salesforce I came across a good introduction to, (the Salesforce Development Platform) for ASP.Net developers. and ASP.Net
    4th. Feb 11.30 am
    Salesforce Salesforce Developer Community is useful to get started, eg searching for 'ODBC connection'.
    BrainEngine offers a very useful ODBC connection for Salesforce (but how does it work in the clouds ?)
    Brain Engine
    SF Developer Community
    SF Login
    3rd. Feb 10.30 pm
    Salesforce To View any Visualforce page, there are two ways:
    1) Enable Developer mode by traversing to Setup-->Personal Setup-->My Personal Information-->Personal Information and checking the flag on "Development Mode".
    This will enable you to see the VF code in the bottom portion of the display.

    2) Traverse to App Setup-->Develop-->Pages to see the VF page and to App Setup-->Develop-->Apex Classes to see the controller extension(s).
    SF Login
    3rd. Feb 10.30 pm
    e-Learning I will call Matt Bowman, CEO of Wi5 Connect, phone Provo Utah, 00-1-(801)-805-1925 to discuss e-Learning using his product, which they describe as "A next generation solution for blending the power of social networking with commercial marketing and lead generation best practices" which sounds like a way to establish collaboration with Customers.
    They offer two Products :-
    1. LearnSocial, which is a revolutionary new way for businesses to train employees, educate customers, capture actionable market data, and turn customers into champions.
    LearnSocial is an online community that captures the power of social networks and fortifies it with a state-of-the-art Learning Management System. Finally, an effective learning tool that allows you to better engage, track, correlate progress, and measure ROI.
    2. CommSocial, which is a totally new way of generating leads, cultivating them into qualified prospects, and reaching your audience in ways never before possible.
    It represents the first time social media is being used to accomplish predictable business results.
    CommSocial is the convergence of your company�s products and expertise with the power of social networks and the structure of a cutting edge eLearning platform.
    Wi5 Connect
    Wi5 Connect Contacts
    3rd. Feb 9.30 pm
    Medical I have an appointment for a follow-up check on my Blood Pressure with the Practice Nurse at 3.00 pm on Thursday, March 5th. 2009. I will call in for a little bottle for a Urinse sample on the previous day.  
    3rd. Feb 9.30 pm
    Restaurant In the current Web User magazine, there are voucher coupons for the Cafe Rouge French Restautant and Carluccio's Italian Restaurant.
    We can find both of them in Windsor so maybe my wife and I will try one of them for lunch tomorrow.
    Cafe Rouge
    Carluccio's Promotion
    3rd. Feb 9.00 am
    Self-Publishing I will download Blurb and start putting my book together on 'Database Design for Kids' (or Life).
    Use Author House in the UK to get an ISBN, or Google for "ISBN Services".
    I tried Lulu and it was great - I was able to create my draft book in about 10 minutes.
    Author House
    Author House for an ISBN
    3rd. Feb 8.30 am
    Salesforce I received an interesting email from a Salesforce partner in India asking for some Data Warehouse Databases.
    I replied suggesting I couldn't give them away for free, but that maybe we should collaborate.
    They were called Kaizentric. This is a great name, based on the Japanese word 'Kaizen', meaning 'Continuous Improvement), and their contact was someone called Lakshman Abhilash" (lakshman at
    Kaizentric Partners
    3rd. Feb 7.30 am
    Six Sigma Woke up at 7.30 am and prepared a Urine sample for the doctor this afternoon.  
    2nd. Feb 10.30 pm
    Six Sigma Here's an interesting article from IT BUsiness Edge on Six Sigma and IT. Six Sigma and IT
    2nd. Feb 8.00 pm
    Doctor My wife and I registered with a new Doctor and have Appointments tomorrow. Appointments card (Click for larger image) Appointments Card
    2nd. Feb 9.00 am
    NFL The Steelers won the Superbowl - which is great for people like me who like Tradtion and to see a Dynasty resurrected. NFL
    Video Highlights
    1st. Feb 9.30 pm
    My Online Diary - Tim Tim developed draft pages for Data Entry and Diary Display. I will complete it with Tabs so that it is somewhat compatible with the Salesforce work.

    Details of User Login are as follows :-
    This will use three fields shown in the Data Model on the left :-
    1) entry_id - a unique auto-increment field
    welcome_name - used in Welcome message, eg Barry
    2) user_login char(80) - usually an email address
    3) password char(8)
    It isn't necessary to scramble the password, and validating an email address can be restricted to checking that it contains an @ sign.
    Tim's draft Home Page

    Tim's Diary Display Page
    Tim's Make new Entry
    1st. Feb 9.00 am
    NFL It's good to see the Steelers back in the Superbowl !!!
    I can remember watching Terry Bradshaw on cover of Sports Illustrated for Feb,1970 Terry Bradshaw in the good old days of the 1970's.
    Superbowl Preview Video
    Terry Bradshaw's Photo
    1st. Feb 8.30 am
    My Online Diary I will plan the way ahead for My Online Diary, perhaps with Sumit's participation, by adding Login facilities with Login based on my Database Answers Page, and displaying the User's Name in the Welcome heading, as shown in my Specifications Page.
    URL Data Entry should include a link to Google to prompt URLs for words.
    For example, typing 'Hollister' should prompt, maybe with a right-click.
    Look into GDrive and think about Google Docs
    DBA Login Page
    31st. Jan 9.00 pm
    Internet Radio I went to Momo's for lunch and found myself listening to a great Internet Radio station called Lucky 777.
    There was a positive review of an up-market Restaurant in Lower Regent Street called St.Alban which has a well-designed Web Site.
    Lucky 777 Radio
    Momo's (Staines)
    St.Alban Restaurant
    31st. Jan 7.30 am
    Salesforce This summarises the status of My Online Diary or Personal Data Portal on Saturday morning.
    Login as funky_db/m333, then the Search Page will be displayed, but called DisplayDiary.
    These changes are required to conform to my Specifications :-
    1. "Welcome, Barry" should be bold, and the colour changed to blue.
    2. The Date format should show the month in letter abbreviation, with am or pm.
    3. More space is needed in the table.
    4. An irritating popup has appeared saying "Security information - Do you want to display nonsecure items ?"
    Diary Display
    30th. Jan 11.30 pm
    Salesforce Sumit's Demo pages look good. Sumit's Diary Display
    Sumit's new Entry
    My Specifications
    30th. Jan 7.30 pm
    WIP Draft BI Presentations to Airlines and SITA are in the "C:\CVs_after_PwC\Data_Architect_Heathrow_jan23rd" Directory.  
    30th. Jan 6.30 pm
    Web 2.0 Flock is a unique Browser especially designed for Social Networking Sites.
    it has built-inoinks to FaceBook, MySpace, YouTube and so on.
    30th. Jan 6.00 pm
    Salesforce Phase 2 for the Online Diary Application should include :-
    2.1 Logon for Registered Users
    2.2 Automatic popup available as a right-click option for URL for words like Hollisters to define as a Link.
    2.3 Provide multiple words for the Search facility.

    Phase 3 should include Mobile Access with Widgets.
    Login (Funky_dba/m333)
    Diary Display
    30th. Jan 5.30 pm
    Westfield We had an enjoyable outing, mainly to Westfield Shipping Centre, with a stop at a Pharmacy called the Sunset Pharmacy in Staines. Sunset Pharmacy
    Westfield Shopping Centre
    30th. Jan 7.30 am
    Salesforce First demo of My Online Diary or Personal Data Portal.
    Login as funky_db/m333, then the Search Page will be displayed, but called DisplayDiary.
    The Developer Challenge looks interesting.
    Seemati's phone number is at 5712235894.
    Developer Challenge
    Diary Display
    Search Diary
    View Diary
    30th. Jan 7.00 pm
    Larry Jon Wilson I got an email from someone called Rhys Mywyn, in North Wales,(phone 01286 685215) representing Larry Jon and asking whether I was still interested in asking him to do a 30-second voiceover Introduction for one of my Tutorials. Rhys Mywyn
    29th. Jan 5.30 pm
    Self-Publishing Today's Herald Tribune discusses Self-Publishing, which is a growth area, and mentions a number of organisations offering these services, including :-
    AuthorHouse, Blurb, CreateHouse (from Amazon), Lulu, iUniverse, WordClay and Xlibris
    Lulu Self-Publishing
    Lulu and ISBNs
    Wikipedia on Self-Publishing
    29th. Jan 8.30 am
    Brunei Maybe I'll take a trip to Brunei. Holiday Weather
    Holiday Weather in Brunei
    28th. Jan 10.00 pm
    Diabetes Here's a couple of articles about 'Evolutionary Fitness'and the Paleo Diet for Diabetes, provided by Patrick. Arthur Devany
    Paleo Diet
    Telegraph article
    Times Online for Women
    27th. Jan 9.00 am
    Norlia Norlia has started listening to the Archers on BBC Radio 4. Yesterday's episode featured 'Phil making marmalade',but he broke the 'jam thermometer'. Archers
    BBC Radio 4
    26th. Jan 7.00 am
    Salesforce I called Monty Hoeft, the Director of Business Development for Salesforce, EMEA, and discussed my Online Diary Application (078-7541-7532 (M). He sent me a link to the ISV and Partner Programs.
    SFDC UK Ltd.
    Staines, Middlesex TW18 3AG, UK
    General Enquiries: 01784 607000
    Sales : 00800 7253 3333
    Support: 00-353-1-2723 503
    Contact Sales
    ISV Proram
    Partners Program
    26th. Jan 5.30 pm
    Yemen One of the Members of my Database Answers Community is associated with a Yemeni ISP. Yemeni Sabafon ISP
    26th. Jan 4.00 pm
    Contacts Miscellaneous items in yesterdays' papers :-
  • barryw att / WBarry5
  • norlia att / Norlia3
    25th. Jan 10.00 am
    2DoList Miscellaneous items in yesterdays' papers :-
  • CV for Heathrow
  • Draft outline for my book called Database Design for Life (or Kids).
  • Email Debora Williams at Coutts
  • Email Debra Williams at Intego about my payment
  • Email Maria at Salesforce
  • Coutts
    Lulu Self-Publishing
    Lulu and ISBNs
    25th. Jan 9.30 am
    Newspapers Miscellaneous items in yesterdays' papers :-
  • MiLife Good health in the Telegraph - "Get in Shape, Stay in Shape"
  • Resperate to reduce high blood-pressure naturally at a cost of �199.
  • Sushi Classes in the UK from Eat-Japan
    My Weight at Home Sunday 95.0 Kg
  • MiLife
    Sushi Classes
    24th. Jan 9.30 am
    Salesforce I registered for a Developer Login as funky_dba/m333.
    I should sign up for the Salesforce Enterprise Edition as there are NO limitations and any sort of complex functionalities can be achieved, moreover APEX code is only available in Enterprise and Unlimited editions.
    My Weight Saturday 95.2 Kg
    Use this one
    Developer Getting Started
    Developer Login
    Partner Success Toolkit
    23rd. Jan 9.00 pm
    Westfield My wife and I went to the Westfield Shopping Mall in West London, which has 100's of shops and 50 Restaurants.
    We had a great time, with lunch at a Vietnamese place called Pho Cafe and a stop at the Thai Smile Shop in Hammersmith for my Malaysian wife to stock up on Coconut Milk, Chilli Paste, Japanese Miso Soup, Palm Sugar, Spices, Tamarind and other goodies from South-East Asia.
    We also wandered into Hollisters, which later we discovered was a trendy youth-oriented fashion store, selling California surf culture type clothes. It was a wonderful store, with no name on the door, but tremendous ambience, great music, low lights inside, and young good-looking staff.
    Through Google I found ("Celebrity, Sex, Fashion for Women"), which gave me an amusing look behind the scenes for the female staff at Hollister.
    Hollister behind the Scenes
    Pho Cafe
    Thai Smile Shop
    23rd. Jan 10.00 am
    Contacts Intego : "Debra Williams" OR (last email received on December 16th.)
    PwC : Juliette Coleman
    PwC : Geoffrey Duniam - geoffrey.duniam at
    Salesforce ; Maria Vaughan :
    Geoff's Transantlic Race
    UK Business Link
    23rd. Jan 8.00 am
    Salesforce Some useful material. 10 Common Mistakes
    Intro to Force DB
    Andi's Make New Entry
    Sumit's Display Diary Demo
    23rd. Jan 8.00 am
    Salesforce Andi is making progress on the Salesforce version of my Online Diary, so is Sumit. Andi's Display Diary
    Andi's Make New Entry
    Sumit's Display Diary Demo
    22nd. Jan 4.00 pm
    My Weight The UK's Business Link looks well-intentioned.
    I have a good Salesforce demo from greatinfosol.
    My Weight Thursday 94.4 Kg
    UK Business Link
    Salesforce Demo
    21st. Jan 1.00 pm
    My Weight My Weight Wednesday 95.0 Kg  
    20th. Jan 1.00 pm
    My Weight My Weight Tuesday 94.8 Kg  
    18th. Jan 6.00 pm
    Microsoft Microsoft is doing some interesting work on an Entity Framework ("EF") which is a Data Platform to help in handling Databases, and has been described as "the future of database access technology from Microsoft, but that may be hard to see" (from IdeaBlade). . A number of add-on Products have been developed, such as DevForce EF from IdeaBlade
    My Weight Sunday 95.0 Kg
    Data Modelling in EF
    IdeaBLade DevForce EF
    IdeaBlade Home Page
    Microsoft Page for EF
    MS Entity Data Model Tools
    17th. Jan 6.00 pm
    Jobs The CW Jobs Web Site sent me an interesting requirement for a DW Data Analyst.
    Location: Essex
    Salary: unspecified
    Company: Senitor Associates
    Job type: Contract
    Date posted: 15/01/2009 11:20:51
    Business Analyst - Data Design / Oracle / Data Architect / OWB / Finance - Essex.
    My client has an urgent requirement for a Business Analyst and Data Architect for
    a Global Data Warehousing project.
    Any experience with Oracle Warehouse Builder would be advantageous.
    The role will involve creating relationship diagrams and requires a programming
    and data analysis background working with large complex systems.
    The role will involve liaising with mutliple countries so excellent communication
    skills are required.
    The ideal candidate will have experience in a Financial or Stock control background.
    Please send your CV ASAP!
    Ref: CWJobs/GM3060BAES
    Contact: Greg Moores
    Data Analyst Contract
    17th. Jan 6.00 pm
    Chocolate My wife discovered a wonderful Chocolate-maker in Selfridges called Artisan du Chocolat. Artisan du Chocolat
    17th. Jan 8.00 am
    e-Learning I went to the e-Learning Exhibition yesterday and was amazed how crowded it was.
    Very worthwhile though, with interesting suppliers ranging from an expensive Microsoft product called Sharepoint to Moodle, a free Open Source Learning Management System, that the UK's Open University has funded to the extent of �3 nillion.
    Google eMail showed a link to SimplyLearn which looks very promising because it's Online over the Internet and I don't have to download and instal anything.
    My Weight Saturday 95.4 Kg
    Elicitus Authoring Tool
    Moodle Authoring Tool
    Open University
    14th. Jan 9.00 pm Web 2.0 Today's Guardian mentions an entertaining YouTube video on iPhones based on 'These Bones, These Bones' which says 'this is connected to that and that is connected to the other [and so on]' Tour of Web 2.0
    14th. Jan 9.00 pm Salesforce, eLance I posted my Online Diary Project on eLance with login Barry/m333 and email dba gm/m333 (or m3), with budget of $500 - $1,000. One of the Salesforce experts I found was Chad Collins who has an interesting Web Site. Chad Collins
    eLance - My Project
    14th. Jan 9.00 am Salesforce Googling for "Salesforce freelance expertise" I found a good-looking Web Site called oDesk which makes it very easy to find and work with Freelance Contractors.
    My Weight Wednesday 96.4 Kg
    Salesforce - Alok Verma
    14th. Jan 8.30 am Selling Here's a great slogan and Web Site - "Selling is Just a Conversation". SIJAC
    14th. Jan 7.00 am Work Think about Interim IT Management.
    In the meantime, Google for "Interim Management".
    BIE Interim Mgt
    Executives Online
    14th. Jan 6.30 am Global Consulting BT provides Global Services which genuinely have a presence in almost every country around the world, including Malaysia. BT Global Services
    Mobile Services
    11th. Jan 9.30 am Wales Castles and Historic Railways are an important part of the tourist attractions of Wales.
    You can take a train to the top of Snowdon,Festiniog has its own railway and a new 40-mile line is being built from Caernarfon across the mountains to Porthmadog.
    Castles of Wales
    Great Little Trains of Wales
    Wales in Syle
    Wales in Style (Castles)
    10th. Jan 11.00 pm e-Learning Here's a great Organisation called the Open University of Cataluna in Spain looking at how to use Web 2.0 and Mobile Applications for Education at the University level. Internet Project
    UOC (English)
    UOC (Spanish)
    10th. Jan 5.00 pm 2DoList Talk to these people, including Larry Hunter at Spargo (Mobile 07774-646973) and (maybe) consider partnering with them. Conchango (Egham)
    Spargo (Egham)
    Spargo (Larry Hunter's Email)
    10th. Jan 4.30 pm Restaurants Had a great light lunch at Momo's in Staines (Malaysian-owned), with Miso Soup and Sushi Momo's (London)
    Momo's (Staines)
    10th. Jan 4.15 pm NHS Glucose Tolerance Test rescheduled to 9.15 am, Monday, January 12th. 2009, ask for Ludy or Nahid
    My Weight Saturday 96.8 Kg
    8th. Jan 4.00 pm NHS Contacts :-
    Dr. Catherine Lunken at
    Prof. Bettridge Secretary - 0207-380-9336
    Glucose Tolerance Test any time, Friday, January 9th. 2009, ask for Ludy.
    I was turned away because I fasted for over 14 hours.
    Hospital # 93024145
    Clinic J Reception 0845-155-000, Ext. 73147 - Ann Groom.
    My Weight Friday 97.4 Kg
    UCL Hospital
    UCL Hospital Photo
    7th. Jan 9.30 pm Microsoft Microsoft has created a new Web Site for IT Architects in the UK. IT Architects (UK)
    6th. Jan 2.00 pm Salesforce I added Salesforce to the MDM Layer Implementation in the Tutorial for Integrated Performance Reporting.
    My Weight Tuesday 98.0 Kg
    Search for: A Model-Driven Approach to Data Quality For Global Accountability.
    3rd. Jan 8.00 am Web 2.0 I found this definition by Komodo in Australai :-
    Globally, information and communication technology (ICT) is moving into a new networked era. It is characterised by the widespread uptake of high capacity broadband, many millions of users and powerful digital devices becoming connected around the globe, and the evolution of the internet as the key platform for communication and collaboration.
    This new era is often referred to as Web 2.0.
    It involves the advent of a range of new internet-based tools, such as wikis, blogs, social networking sites, image-based interfaces, video sharing sites, information mash-ups and virtual worlds. Web 2.0 also involves a range of new capabilities, such as user-generated content, collective intelligence, reusable and remixable data, and open access sharing and collaboration. Consistent with the impact of ICT over the past 20 years, effective use of this next generation of ICT has the potential to drive continued productivity and growth in a wide range of information intensive sectors of the Victorian economy.
    Wikipedia on Web 2.0
    3rd. Jan 5.30 pm eLearning Here are some useful Links :-
    Web CT is in use at the University of Alberta, Canada.
    eLearning of Australia
    Web CT
    University of Alberta, Canada.
    3rd. Jan 7.30 am
    eLearning I will look into building 3-D Tutorials for Data Mdelling and my other Tutorials. I can find plenty of Developers to help me, such as FinPA in Australia, who specialise in eLearning and use VastPark.
    ZenworkZ is an Australian company specialising in "enhancing the performance of individuals, teams, executives and communities".
    Fund for Innovation
    Fund Article
    eLearning of Australia
    My Microsoft Page
    Tutorial on Data Modelling
    Tutorial (Video - 26Mb)
    ZenworkZ (Aus)

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