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The Area being Modelled is :-
A Database to store Police Information Reports
A simple Database to manage incoming information reports on criminal activity.
The basic categories of our intelligence reports are "Persons", "Crime Category",
i.e drugs, break & enter etc, "Locations of Interest", "Vehicles of Interest".
There is a narrative field to describe the criminal activity.
Each intelligence report is allocated a unique reference number, in the format of 'I 12345678'.
It should be possible to enter a 'Person of Interest' only once in the database,
with a photo, then relate that persons involvements to data stored in the locations,
vehicles, intelligence category tables, and include a description of the the report
narrative, as information comes in on their activities, like where they go to -
different locations, where they drive different vehicles.
Sometimes there are many persons of interest combined in the one report.
So I would like to be able to find a common way of linking the persons where the
information report number is the same, Or if there is a better way to
link the persons who appear in the same intelligence report.