Database Answers NZ Sports Tournament

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Schools Sports Tournaments

The Draft Business Rules have been defined and are listed below.
The Area being Modelled is :-
Schools Sports Tournaments.

A.1 This is a Statement of the User Requirements.

as PTA and Parent Governor I stupidly agreed to do a database for my daughters school games,
well its actually a tournament between hers and 3 other local schools.

I've had a look at the models you have and nothing seems to fit.

I wondered if you had anything that might help,

I'm happy building the database but it's the model Im struggling with and I'm starting to
wish I'd never volunteered.

Basically there will be a number of events which will be held at different schools over a
4 week period, depending on each schools sporting facilities.

Each pupil can compete in a number of events.

Once we have an idea of number of competitors for each event we can decide on the number of
heats needed.

Where events have more than one heat this will be organised into rounds (e.g. first , second,
quarter, semi and final).

The winner from each heat will go through to the next round obviously.

Well also have to have a team of referees/officials for each (made up of parents and teachers,
depending on their skills/capabilities)

it's important that parents are not allocated to heats that their children are taking part.

There will be several roles for each event e.g. starter, timekeeper etc and we�d intend to
only have one role per person, though this will depend on how many volunteers we get really.

Someone said this could easily be done with a database and I have some experience of creating
databases but I'm starting to think this might just be easier done on paper!

Id appreciate any help you can give,

best wishes


B. The Things of Interest, ('THINGS'), include :-
B.1 Pupils
B.2 Schools
B.3 Tournaments.
B.4 Others to be determined.

C. These THINGS are Related as follows :-
C.1 To be determined.

D. Other Characteristics of these THINGS include :-
D.1 To be determined.

E. Sample Data includes :-
E.1 To be determined.

F. Typical Enquiries include :-
Barry Williams
November 9th. 2009
Principal Consultant
Database Answers
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