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User Requirements
These Requirements were established by Arben (arben1_at_mt.net.mk) on Friday, 27th. July, 2007 who wants to develop an Internet-based Student Questinnaires.
Description from my point of view:
The application will have three kinds of users:
1. QA members (commission)
2. Students
3. The staff
So, the QA members, after logging in, will have the ability to
Add and modify questions on the questionnaire
- with one word to prepare the questionnaires for the students. (what does this mean ?)
The Students - after login, will complete questionaires.
The staff for example can see the results of his/her subject (not of the others).
The questionnaire will have several question, with radio, check box, text area?.
Also there will be several courses, professors, semesters, departments?.
For representing the results can be used some charts, graphs and so on.
The database design will also have to cover data collection for :-
Students and Staff who login to the Web page :-
- the time login and logout
- time spent
- the IP from where came the visitor
- the most clicked links
- some othe statistics.
What are the Things of Interest
1. Members of Staff
2. Questionnaires
3. Questions
4. Students
What is the relationship between the Things of Interest ?
1. Staff can create Questionnaires
2. Students can complete Questionnaires.