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Requirement is a Database for Tracking Share Transactions in a Fund
It is necessary to link specific investor purchases (subscriptions are in units and
can be in purchased in fractions of a unit) with sales.
One purchase can have many sales and one sale can comprise many purchases.
For example, Investor A purchases shares in three lots over a 12 month period.
Lot 1 � 220.8 shares,
Lot 2 � 400.75 shares and
Lot 3 � 334 shares.
Investor A then sells 700 shares.
There is a need to link this sale to each of the individual lots on a 'First-In First-Out' basis,
so that the remaining balance is related to Lot 3.
One key question is 'How should Reference Data be modelled ?'
A. What are the Things Of Interest ?
A.1 Investors
A.2 Lots
A.3 Purchases
A.4 Sales
A.5 Subscriptions
A.6 Transactions.
Barry Williams
28th. March 2007
Principal Consultant
Database Answers