Database Answers Faith Generation Youth Church (Click for Faith Fellowship Ministries Web Site)

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Church Sunday Schools
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A Database is to be designed to support Youth Church.
Lisa has defined her Requirements in the following terms :-
Hi Barry, I found you through the mvp support/ posts

I�m trying to create a Database for Youth Church.
It would have these details :-
  • Youth information=Id;last name;first name;age;group number; parent information
  • Teachers= id, ln; fn; position title; group number responsible for
  • Group Categories (i.e. G1=Pre kindergarten to Kindergarten; G2=1st & 2nd grade).
  • Attendance tracking in order to produce weekly roster for the teacher. I can�t get my brain around how to create this part. Linda F. Pines

  • Barry Williams
    19th. December 2008
    Principal Consultant
    Database Answers


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