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    What are Data Sources ?
  • Data Sources include all major places where important data is created or used, including Applications, Databases, Spreadsheets, XML files and so on.
  • It also includes Information related to each Stage in the Best Practice Road Map on People, Roles and Responsibilities.
  • This Information is stored within an Information Catalog.
  • A Repository record Data Sources for all major Applications, Databases, Spreadsheets and so on.
  • Data and information related to each Stage in the Best Practice Road Map
  • This includes details of People, Roles and Responsibilities, Applications, Databases Why is this Stage important
  • It provides the starting-point for any analysis of data, including Integration, Data Quality, Reports and so on. How do we get started ? Step 1. Agree initial content and revise at regular intervals. Step 2. Identify individuals responsible for data gathering and dissemination. Step 3. Take a bottom-up Approach and focus on working documents, such as Invoices.

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