Ingres from the University of California at Berkeley was the first academic
initiative which picked up Codd's published work from IBM and then developed and
In 1976, Peter Chen published a very important Paper on Data Modelling entitled "The Entity-Relationshop Model - Towards a Unified
View of Data" in the ACM Transaction on Database Systems.
This is a very interesting commentary on
'Government Support for Computing Research',
which is Chapter 6 of a book called 'Funding a Revolution'
,published by the National Academies Press.
Here's a detailed review of
the evolution of Databases, compiled by John Vaughn of Hobart and William Smith Colleges.
Relational Databases
have gone through three major Stages of Evolution ...
Stage (1) The Early Days.
The theoretical foundation for Relational Databases was formulated
by Dr.Edgar (Ted) Codd at IBM Research, Almaden, California and
published a seminal Paper in 1969, entitled :-
Oracle was the first commercial product based on this work.
a historical article written by C.F.Date who,of course, occupies a unique role and made an essential contribution to the success of
Relational Databases.
Stage (2) The Middle Years
IBM, Informix and Sybase entered the Arena. Finally Microsoft bought Sybase's technology to join the fray. |
Stage (3) The Future
The future will evolve to incorporate Objects, Hybrids and will be geared to meet the requirements of the Internet. The most likely scenario sees the survival of only three Vendors, (which was confirmed by IBM's acquisition of Informix for $1 Billion) :- |