To ask for details of the Information Catalog, please Contact Us,
and you can check out the Data Model and the Current Demonstration.
The draft Requirements include :-
1. Store individual Entries :-
1.1 A Glossary of Terms
1.2 Column names
1.3 Table names
1.4 Etc..
2. Store Relationships between Entries :-
2.1 Table definitions,(columns, etc).
2.2 Store Data Mapping Specifications.
3. Store References to Documentation, (and maybe Documentation as well).
For example, to create complete dictionaries and data maps for 8 mainframe systems.
Tabs are an important navigation facility, based on this Template.
Four Tabs (in alphabetical order) are currently defined, based on an earlier version of the Data Dictionary :-
1. Categories,(alphabetical list)
2. Glossary of Terms
3. List of all Entries,(with Categories), in the Dictionary
4. Search
The Information Catalog can also be referred to as a Data Dictionary or MetaData Repository.
It provides a single point of access to information within an organization.
This page shows a typical Information Catalog on DatabaseAnswers.org.
It provides facilities for an Administrator to :-
1. Maintain the definitions up-to-date.
2. Manage Communities of Users interested in specific Information.
It provides facilities for Users to :-
1. Subscribe to receive selected kinds of Data, including Reports.
This diagram shows the design of the Database.