To Data Models for Themes
This Page will help you get started by providing Tutorials at the three levels of Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced.
1) Beginners
The aim at this point is to establish an understanding of the basic principles in the context of a specific Model.
Topics covered will include :-
Using a database schema to jumpstart building an application or Website
Fundamentals of database schemas
1.1 Choose the most interesting Data Model from the hundreds available
1.2 Go through the Tutorial for the specific Model you have chosen
1.3 Make sure that understand the basic principles, including :-
- Primary Keys, Foreign Keys, Tables and Views, Many-to-Many Relationships and Inheritance.
2) Intermediate
Topic covered will include :-
Customizing a database schema to meet your needs
The aim at this point is to get you comfortable with 'mixing and matching' tables from different Models,
to produce something tailored to meet your specific requirements.
Use the Search facility to look for Models that contain specific Entities of Interest.
I will update the Entities in the search from my recent work on creating Top Ten Models in Themes with lists of Entities in each Model.
3) Advanced
Topics covered will include :-
Using Database Diagrams in SQL Server Express
Building your own schemas
The aim at this point is to make sure you understand the general principles in modelling any real-world situation.
Go through this Tutorial based on Generic Modelling and make sure you understand the principles.