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Case Study : Design a CRM Data Architecture
The Remarkable Architecture of the Bienecke Libary, Yale University
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This is a description of a General Approach to the design of a CRM Data Architecture.

The Approach is defined as a series of Steps,with associated Background comments, some
clearly-defined Deliverables,and some sample Template Documents are being prepared to be used
in the application of the Approach to a specific Project.

The General Approach is based on three Levels of Design :-

  • The Logical Level
  • The Physical Level
  • The Implementation Level

    Each Level is specified in three Stages :-

  • Stage 1 : Design the Logical Level (Background).
    1. Create a Data Dictionary with an Inventory of the Applications, (Example as HTML Page , Template Word Document).
    2. Agree the Owners for the Data Sources and the major Data Items.
    3. Obtain Data Models from the Application Vendors (Template CRM Vendors Data Model).
    4. Create first draft of the Top-Level Data Architecture, (Background, Example of Diagram ,Example of Data Model).
    5. Create Data Models for the Functions and Data Islands,e.g. Personalization, (Background ,Template Model).
    6. Design the Integrated Normalised Data Model, (Background)
    7. Review the Data Dictionary, (Background, Template Word Document).

  • Stage 2 : Design the Physical Level (Background).
    1. Define the Data Islands and their Interfaces,(Background)
    2. Produce a CRUD Matrix, (Background, Template)
    3. Create Data Flow Diagrams
    4. Translate UML Model to Entity-Relationship Diagram,(Background)
    5. Agree User Scenarios, (Background, Template).

  • Stage 3 : Design the Implementation Level for a Pilot Project (Background)
    1. Choose Tools for Data Migration, (Background)
    2. Carry out a Design Review.
    3. Produce Database Sizing Estimates, (Background).
    4. Agree Terms of Reference for the Pilot.
    5. Agree Conditions for Success for the Pilot.

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