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  Air Transport Data Models

This page lists a number of Air Transport Data Models.
They represent 'stripped-down' Models which contain the basics for a specific application area.
They are 'Canonical Models' that can be used as a common point of reference and a way of exchanging data between more detailed Models.
Here are some interesting comments on changes to the GDS Data Model, and options for a better GDS MOdel.

An interesting new player is Farelogix Platform
An interesting comment on deriving value from the CRS Data Model from NYU.

  Here are the current Models

Air Transport Data Models
1 Aircraft Maintenance
2 Aircraft Parts and Orders
3 Airline Operations
4 Airline Reservations
5 Airport Management
6 Airport Management Platform
7 Enterprise Data Model for Air Travel
8 Online Bookings
Other Transport and Logistics Models ...
8 Corporate Logistics
9 Defence Logistics
10 Freight Forwarders
11 Movements Logistics
12 Vehicle Transport

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